Second Task| Pt.1 and Pt.2

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"Welcome Champions!! The Second Task will be swimming into the Black Lake to retrieve something that had been stolen from each of you." Says Hagrid and we all nod
"You have one hour to retrieve what has been lost" says Mr.Bagman and we go into the water
"Hugo" I say in my head and I swim to him
"Don't!" Says the merperson
"I can't just leave him" I say as I try to get Hugo untied but the merperson pulls me
"Your boyfriend isn't in any real danger but you will be" says the merperson and she chokes me
"Avada Kedavra" I shout and I kill the merperson
"Hugo.." I say and I untie him and go to the surface
"Maddison has rescued and is second to Victor Krum." Says the announcer and everyone cheers
"Where's Harry? Fleur? What are you doing up here? Where's Gabrielle?"
"I didn't get her. Harry is still down there. Look Cedric has come up.
"Where's Harry?!"
"There's Ron!" Says Luna
"I've killed Harry Potter!" Says Neville nervously
"There's Harry!" Says Hermione and we help Harry and Gabrielle
"Thank you Harry for saving my sister" says Fleur
"Harry you're ok! I was worried you may have drowned" I say and I hug him tightly
"I'm a survivor" says Harry and we laugh
"In first place tied Harry Potter and Cedric Diggory. Second place tied Maddison Malfoy and Victor Krum. Third place Fleur Delacour. The third and final task is on 24 June and the champions will learn more about it a month beforehand. Says Mr.Bagman
"Why did you say her?" Says Ron to Harry
"Ronald are you serious?"
"She was in no real danger. You could've gotten to the surface first" says Ron
"You're so pathetic Ron honestly" says Hermione and she walks away
"I thought she was going to die Ron" says Harry and I roll my eyes
"Your so selfish Ronald. The jealousy of Harry, the tantrums, honestly Harry I don't know how you need up friends with someone so inconsiderate" I say and I go to my dorms .
(A/n: Omg guys! I didn't know how long since I updated sorry!! I'm hoping to update tomorrow!!)

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