Talk with Hagrid and Control

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Maddison POV
"Ah Maddison..." says Dumbledore
"Yes Professor?"
"I summoned you here to help you." Says Dumbledore
"To help me?"
"To control yourself" says Dumbledore
"I have perfect control of myself" I say outraged
"The person apart of you" Says Dumbledore
"The person apart of you is evil. More evil than your grandfather." Says Dumbledore
"Who's more evil than Tom?"
"Unknown" says Dumbledore
"I'm time you will know" says Dumbledore
Harry POV
"Hagrid we need to talk!" I say as I pull the invisibility cloak off of me and Ron
"Get in here you two" say Hagrid
"What did you do to Hermione!" Says Ron as we here a knock on the door
"Get under the cloak hurry!" Says Hagrid
"Rubeus Hagrid! Open up! I'm Cornelius Fudge! Minister of Magic!" Says Fudge as Dumbledore arrive
"Ah Fudge how are you this evening?" Says Dumbledore
"To best of my knowledge Hagrid has opened the Chamber of Secrets the last time, and will be sent to Azkaban as a precaution" says Fudge
"Yes... I and the other governors of Hogwarts have unanimously voted to suspend Dumbledore." Says Mr.Malfoy
"Do you have anything to say before you are gone?" Says Fudge
"If anybody wants the truth they should follow the spiders and grab MM. For she will guide them to Greatnesses" says Hagrid as he look at us
"Dumbledore?" Says Fudge
"I will only truly have left the school when none there remain loyal to me. If anyone needs help at Hogwarts, it will always be available for those who ask for it." Says Dumbledore as he as looks at us
"We best be on our way!" Says Fudge as Everyone walk out of Hagrid Hut
"Bloody Hell!" Says Ron
"We need to get Maddison and follow the spiders!"
"Harry he said get MM and follow the spiders." Says Ron
"MM is the nickname I have for Maddison!" as I run to Slytherin common room door and knock on it.
"Yes? Oh Harry! What are you doing here! You'll get in trouble!" Says Maddison
"We need you help! Quick! Hagrid and Dumbledore is on the line!" I say rather quickly
"I know Father was here wasn't he?" Says Maddison
"Yes." Says Ron
"Let's go!" Says Maddison as she comes out still in her pajamas
"We have to follow the spiders."
A/n: Sorry this took long!! I had a story on Quotev to do and I went to the mall.
Anywhoo!! I'm having a story coming out called Little Malfoy!! 

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