Chamber of Secrets Pt.2

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Maddison POV
As Harry, Ron and I decide to hide to hear more details then we hear McGonagall
"Ginny Weasley is in the Chamber of Secrets" says McGonagall
"Her skeleton will lie in the chamber forever" I whisper read the message under the previous one
"Hogwarts will be closed tomorrow" says Snape
"Lockhart should go and get the young Weasley" says McGonagall
"Me? W-What no!" Says Lockhart
"Don't you know where the chamber is you did tell us you know exactly where it is" says Snape
"I have to prepare then I will go and fetch the girl" says Lockhart as all the Professors go back to their office
"We have to tell Lockhart what we know" says Harry
"Lockhart is going to get Ginny" says Harry
"If you say so"
As we go to Lockhart's room we see him frantically packing to run away.
"What are you doing?" Says Harry
"What does it look like Harry?" Says Lockhart
"You're a coward!" Says Ron
"Everything thing you did was a lie!" Says Harry
"I must admit I am a fraud. They told me their stories, I put a memory charm on everyone who really did everything I claimed to do" says Lockhart
"Wait until my father hears about this Lockhart"
"That's if you remember him. Obliviate!" Says Lockhart as I cast a charm
"Expelliarmus!!" I say as Lockhart wand flies from the air and I catch it.
"My wand" says Lockhart as I break it in half
"Now we'll take you to Myrtle's bathroom" Says Harry
Harry POV
"Mrytle how did you die?"
"I was crying in the bathroom when I looked down at the tap and that's when I saw it. It was a pair of enormous eyes by one of the sink whose tap didn't work." Says Myrtle
"It's this one!" says Maddison
"How do you open it?" Says Ron
"You see you children got this" says Lockhart
"Oh no you don't"says Ron as he pulls Lockhart towards him
"Maddison do you know how to open it?" I say as I hear her hiss and the opening of the chamber opens.
"You go first."
"You guys should go"
"And risk you cowering away?" Says Maddison
"Better you than us" says Ron
Maddison POV
As we hop down the path to the chamber we see a lot of basilisk skin.
"Ugh" says Lockhart as he faints
"Are you ok!" Says Ron
"Ah-ha!" Says Lockhart as he gets back up and steals Ron's wand.
"You know it been wonderful with you children but I think it's time to erase starting with you two." Says Lockhart as he points his wand at Harry and Ron. As he does this I start to walk in the cave to find my wand
"Oblivate!" Say Lockhart as the spell backfired and goes to him rather than Harry and Ron. Then the cave rock start to fall
"Watch out!" I say as Harry comes toward me and Ron goes forward
"Ron!" Shouts Harry
"Harry!" Shouts Ron
"Lockhart has lost his memory!" Says Ron
"You must take him back to the castle"
"Maddison and I will save Ginny" says Harry as we walk toward the Chamber and see a wall of snakes
"Open as the heir of Slytherin is present" I say in Parcelmouth
"Your parceltongue?" Harry questions
"Yes" I say as we enter the chamber of secrets

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