The Sleepover

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Maddison POV
"Maddison, dear! Pansy and Daphne is here!" Says Mother as I go downstairs
"Lets go girls!"
"I can't wait until tonight!" Says Pansy
"Me neither!" Says Daphne
"First is nails, hair, then dinner, next is the pool!" I say as we go into my room

Maddison POV "Maddison, dear! Pansy and Daphne is here!" Says Mother as I go downstairs"Lets go girls!" "I can't wait until tonight!" Says Pansy "Me neither!" Says Daphne "First is nails, hair, then dinner, next is the pool!" I say as we go into m...

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"Ok let's do our nails!" Says Daphne
"Ms. Malfoy are you ready for your nails?" Says the Nail profession
"Yes I am!"
"Omg!!" Says Pansy
"Walsh got to Pansy and Quen got to Daphne" says the Nail profession and they finish our nails
"Thank you Ms... for coming here!"
"Call me Indra" says Ms. Indra and she leaves
"Let's do our hair for dinner" says Daphne
"I agree we must look presentable"
"Yeah especially Pansy! Draco is going to be there!" Daphne and I laugh
"Whatever guys!" Pansy laughs and we do our hair

 Indra and she leaves "Let's do our hair for dinner" says Daphne "I agree we must look presentable" "Yeah especially Pansy! Draco is going to be there!" Daphne and I laugh"Whatever guys!" Pansy laughs and we do our hair

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"Pansy curled her hair?!" Says Daphne
"She's only trying to impress Draco"
"Wait until we go back to Hogwarts. We are going to be the best couple ever" says Pansy
"I won't be going back to Hogwarts until next year." I say fast
"What!?" Says Pansy and Daphne
"I'll be going to Beauxbatons this year" I say sadly
"Why?" Says Pansy
"I got a letter requesting to go there and Father made me choose"
"And you choose Beauxbatons!" Yells Daphne angrily
"Yes. I thought that Beauxbatons will be more proper for me." I say trying to calm Daphne down
"How can you do this?" Cries Daphne
"I'm sorry. It's only for 1 year and I'll write to you everyday on the first week then after that it's once a week"
"I'm very happy for you Maddie" says Pansy
"I'm going to miss you Mads" says Daphne and we hug
"Let's go to dinner"
_________Time Skip____________
"Children you may go to the pool now" says Mother and we get into our bathing suits.

 It's only for 1 year and I'll write to you everyday on the first week then after that it's once a week" "I'm very happy for you Maddie" says Pansy "I'm going to miss you Mads" says Daphne and we hug"Let's go to dinner" _________Time Skip_________...

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Pansy Swimmers ^^

Daphne swimmers ^^

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Daphne swimmers ^^

My swimmers ^^"Let's go in the pool!" Says Pansy "Let's jump in together!" "3

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My swimmers ^^
"Let's go in the pool!" Says Pansy
"Let's jump in together!"
"3.... 2...... 1..... jump!" We yell and go in

 jump!" We yell and go in

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