Arogog🕷 Pt. 2

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Maddison POV
"Who was killed at Hogwarts in 1943?"
"It was an ancient creature that all spiders as well as giant ones fear and that they never mention it's name nor speak about it. Even when Hagrid have an asked many times. The dead girl was found in the bathroom." Says Arogog
"Thank you sir we must go now" says Harry as we tried to leave but Aragog halts us.
"You are now dinner for my children!" Says Arogog as his children come towards us.
_____Time Skip due to Laziness____
"Can you believe that!!" Yells Ron
"Ronald calm down we are fine"
"Hagrid put us in danger!!" Yells Ron
"We have reach dead's ends anyway" says Harry as I think about what Aragog says
"Lets go!" I say as I run to Myrtle's Bathroom
"What are you doing" says Harry as he grab my arm
"Aragog said a girl was found dead in the bathroom. Myrtle might have been that victim" I say as if it was obvious
"It'll almost impossible to sneak there with the schools security" says Ron
"That's why we'll have a plan" says Harry

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