Polyjuice Potion

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Harry POV
"Is the polyjuice potion ready Hermione?"
"Yes it's ready who hair do you guys got?" Says Hermione
"We have Crabbe and Goyle" says Ron
"I have Millicent Bulstrode. She share dormitory with Pansy, Daphne and Maddison" says Hermione
Maddison POV
"Alright here it goes the Salazar Slytherin Heirs Book!"
"What does it say?" Says Pansy
"It say:
Salazar Slytherin >MarvoloGaunt>MeropeGaunt> TomRiddle>MaddisonMalfoy-Potter"
"That can't be right!" Says Daphne
"How?" Says Pansy
"It skipped a generation! Tom Riddle isn't Maddison Father! He's her grandfather" says Daphne
"What if her father was disowned?" Says Pansy
"My father is James Potter! Who married a Mudblood!"
"What if Lily Potter is not your mother?" Says Daphne
"What if she isn't! I need to ask my father!"
"Don't worry about let's go to the common room" says Daphne
Harry POV
"Alright cheers" says Hermione
"Cheers" Ron and I say
"I think I'm going to be sick!" Says Hermione
"Me too!" Says Ron
"Ugh" I say as I go into the bathroom stall
"Harry?" Ron says as I get out of the stall
"Ron?" I say as look at Ron or Crabbe
"Hermione come out!" Says Ron
"I can't!" Says Hermione
"Just go! You have to!" Says Hermione
"We'll be back in a hour Hermione" I say as me and Ron head to the Slytherin common room
"What are you two doing out of bed?" Says Percy
"We umm..?"
"Crabbe! Goyle! There you are!" Says Maddison
"Why are you here Weasel" says Malfoy
"I'm a Prefect" says Percy
"As you must know Weasley you are a prefect for Gryffindor not Slytherin! You best be on your way!" Says Maddison
"Come on Crabbe and Goyle" says Malfoy
Maddison POV
"Pureblood!" I say a the picture open for Crabbe, Goyle, Draco and I
"Stupid Weasley think he's better than everyone else! Blood traitor" says Draco
"The writing on the wall was hectic!" Says
"Yeah! Mudbloods are next hope Granger is first to go!" Says Draco
"Who is the heir of Slytherin?" Says Goyle
"I told you already that it's Maddison!" Says Draco
"Ugh I'm going to bed!" I say annoyed with Draco that he told Crabbe and Goyle something that's not true! I am the heiress of Slytherin not the heir!
Harry POV
I was shocked to hear what Draco said. Maddison was the heir of Slytherin! She was going to open the chamber of Secrets?! It made some sense right?
"Father told me that the Chamber hasn't been open since 50 years ago. He told me that the person who did it was in Slytherin and got expelled!" Says Draco
"A pureblood Slytherin would have to open it right?" Says Ron
"Honestly Goyle do you know anything!" Says Draco
"No!" Says Ron
"A parselmouth has to open it! At least that's what father said!" Says Draco
"Why is your hair turning red?" Says Draco
"We got to go!" I say as Ron and I run out the Slytherin common room and back to the girls toilets
A/n: Is Maddison and Harry half siblings? 🤷‍♀️ Was James Potter disloyal to Lily? No. But was he forced to have another child with a certain Pureblood woman to keep the pureblood status? Maybe.😈😈 Find out in the next chapter. Ohh I'm so eViLlL!

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