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Lucius POV
Today is my baby girl's birthday. Everything will be perfect. We got her breakfast in bed and two cakes as it is a tradition.
"Lucius, hurry along it's now 9am" says My wife
"She's going to be so happy. She got to sleep in 2 hours late"
"She'll enjoy her birthday today" says My wife as we go in Maddison room

"Happy Birthday Maddison!" We say"What time is it?" Says Maddison"It's 9am darling" says My wife"What's that?" Says Maddison "It's your breakfast in bed" I say as I hand her breakfast

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"Happy Birthday Maddison!" We say
"What time is it?" Says Maddison
"It's 9am darling" says My wife
"What's that?" Says Maddison
"It's your breakfast in bed" I say as I hand her breakfast

"Happy Birthday Maddison!" We say"What time is it?" Says Maddison"It's 9am darling" says My wife"What's that?" Says Maddison "It's your breakfast in bed" I say as I hand her breakfast

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"Oh thank you!" Says Maddison
"Do you like it Dear?" Say my wife
"I love it!" Says Maddison
"Get done with your breakfast then go ahead and get dressed. It's on the counter"
"Yes father thank you very much." Says Maddison
Maddison POV
As I finish my birthday breakfast, I start to get dressed and see how beautiful my dress is the mirror.
"Maddison come look at the cakes they are here!" Says Draco
"Ok!" I say as I hurry downstairs and see the cakes
"They're beautiful aren't they" says Mother

"Everyone is coming over!" Says Draco"Everyone?" "All the Purebloods from Slytherin" says Father"Amazing" ________________________________Time skip to the Party "Happy Birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday dear Maddison! Happy bir...

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"Everyone is coming over!" Says Draco
"All the Purebloods from Slytherin" says Father
Time skip to the Party
"Happy Birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday dear Maddison! Happy birthday to you!" Everyone sing
"Make a wish!" Says Mother as I blow the candles out
"Your finally 11!" Says Daphne
"You can finally go more places!" Says Pansy
"Hey Maddison!" Says Wither
"We need to get some punch! Right Pansy?" Says Daphne
"Yes let go!" Say Pansy as they leave us together
"Hello Wither! It's nice to see you again!"
"It's nice to see you too! Oh I got you present" Says Wither
"You shouldn't have!"
"Close your eyes" says Wither
"There you go!" Says Wither as he puts the Necklace on
"Oh it's beautiful! I love it!" I say as I look down and see the necklace

"Everyone is coming over!" Says Draco"Everyone?" "All the Purebloods from Slytherin" says Father"Amazing" ________________________________Time skip to the Party "Happy Birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday dear Maddison! Happy bir...

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"I hoped you liked it!" Say Wither
"Your so kind and generous!"
"I have to treat my new girlfriend like a queen" says Wither
"I have to treat my new boyfriend like a king" I say as I kiss him on the cheek
"Happy birthday Maddison" says Wither
"Thank you Wither" I say as I walk away

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