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Maddison POV
"Mother? Father?" I says as I look around
"You're up" says Mother and she hugs me
"What happened?"
"What do you remember Maddison" says Father
"I was in my room with Malibu and Thomas-Henry" I say and they looked worried
"He has to talk to her Lucius. It's getting worse" says Mother
"Very well, I'll contact him" says Father
"No need Lucius." Says Dumbledore
"Why is Dumbledore here?"
"He's here to tell you about yourself Maddison" says Mother as She and Father goes out the room
"What wrong with me?"
"Nothing is wrong with you. You were born with something that you cannot control. You have to learn it" says Dumbledore
"Learn what?"
"Learn how to control your feelings. How you feel and cope is how your powers will act." Says Dumbledore
"When you feel angry or sad your powers become dangerous and dark. When you feel happy or excited your powers show it's beautiful and light side" says Dumbledore
"How do you know all of this?"
"I taught Tom and Unknown how to control their powers" says Dumbledore
"I can have control"
"I'll see you next week at Hogwarts Maddison. You will have training with Snape" says Dumbledore and he apparate out of my bedroom

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