Lockhart and Howler

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Maddison POV
"Ugh it's time for Lockhart's class" I says we we head to his defense against the dark arts
"He's so... dreamy!" Says Daphne
"He's a scam! Everything he put in his books! He took credit for wizards and witches who actually did greatness! He oblivated them!"
"You exaggerate to much!" Says Pansy
"Ugh don't believe me then!" I say as I sit away from Pansy and Daphne
"Hello Class! My name is Gilderoy Lockhart. Put Professor in front of that and you will be answered!" Says Professor Lockhart
"Professor what are we learning" says Hermione with her doe eyes towards Lockhart
"We are doing a quiz about me!" Says Professor Lockhart
"Professor!" I say
"Yes umm..... ah Ms. Malfoy-Potter?" Says Professor Lockhart
"What are we actually doing? Please don't tell me it's about the pixies!" I say as Professor Lockhart looked surprised
"Who did you know!" He says as he pulls the blanket from them
"I can hear them. They are be very loud talkers when they are hyper"
"Excellent work, 10 points to Slytherin!" Says Professor Lockhart
"Now let's see if you guys can put them back!" Says Professor Lockhart as he take the pixies out the cage and they go everywhere
"Ahhh!" Screams the class as everyone runs out except Harry, Ron, Hermione, and I.
"Great you four clear put these pixies back!" Says Professor Lockhart as he runs in his office
"What are we going to do!" Says Hermione as she seats one from her hair
"It's pulling my ears!" Says Ron
"Immobulus!" I say as the pixies froze
"Woah!" Says Harry
"Now I trust you guys to put them back sense I stopped them" I say as I leave the classroom
In the Great Hall
"Mail is here!" Says Hagrid
"Look Weasley has got himself a howler!" Says Sean Finnigan
"You better open it! I got one from my gran, it's worse when you don't open it!" Says Neville
"Ok......-" Ron starts as he get cut off from his mother screaming
"RONALD WEASLEY! HOW DARE YOU STEAL THAT CAR! I AM ABSOLUTELY DISGUSTED! YOUR FATHER'S NOW FACING AN INQUIRY AT WORK AND IT'S ENTIRELY YOUR FAULT! IF YOU PUT ANOTHER TOE OUT OF LINE WE'LL BRING YOU STRAIGHT HOME! — Oh, and Ginny dear, congratulations on making Gryffindor. Your father and I are so proud." Says Ron's Mother as everyone laughs and Ron and Ginny string in their seats
"Your fathers now facing an inquiry at work!" Draco says mockingly
"Shut it Malfoy" says Harry
"Pull another tie out of line and we'll bring you straight home!" Say Pansy as she laughs
"Big off snakes!" Says Ron
"Don't you dare call my girlfriend a snake!" Says Wither as he gets close to Ron
"Wither don't. It's not worth it." I say as I pull him back
"You have a boyfriend?" Harry says confused
"Yes Harry. You may be my other brother. Doesn't mean you need to know everything that's going on in my life!" I say storming off
"Get out of her life Potter! The only thing you do is make her hurt!" I hear Wither say as he follow me

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