Christmas Time!! Pt.1

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2 months later
Maddison POV
"I can't wait until I see Draco!" I says as I get into the carriage
"Does he still he'll down his hair?" Says Hadley as she sits next to me
"I don't think he did this year. We haven't talked since last month"
"Did you talk to Wither yet? About know" says Hadley
"Yes. I told him that we can only be friends and I hope the best for him."
"That's lovely. There's your Mother and Father" says Hadley as the carriage stops
"Let's go! They'll be delighted to see you again!" I say as I drag Hadley to my parents
"Well hello dear! It's lovely to see you again!" Says Mother as she hugs Hadley
"It's a pleasure to see you again to Ms. and Mr. Malfoy" says Hadley
"Pleasure Hadley. Now, where's your brother?" Says Father
"I'm right here sir" says Hugo as he come towards us
"Look at you Hugo. More mature, perhaps you can teach Draco such things" says Father
"Most likely. I'm attending Hogwarts next year" says Hugo as I looked shocked
"We must get Draco" says Mother
"Goodbye Hadley. Goodbye Hugo"
"Farewell!" They both say as we apparate to the platform
"Maddison!" Shout Pansy and Daphne
"Daphne! Pansy!" I say as I hug them
"We missed you so much!" Says Daphne
"Wait until I tell you what happened so far!"
"Hey Maddison" says Harry with Hermione and Ron on his sides
"Hello Harry, Hermione"
"Nice to see you too" says Ron feeling left out
"How is Beauxbatons so far" says Hermione
"Its very good. We have to wear lovely uniform and not silly old cloaks"
"Maddison lets go. Don't talk to that filthy Mudblood." Says Draco as he grabs my hand and takes me to Mother and Father
"Children right now we are heading to the Ministry for important business. Best behavior only" Says Father as we apparate to the Ministry
"Lucius, Narcissa! Pleasure you can com at this time!" Says The Minister
"Children this is Minister Cornelius Fudge" says Father
"It's a Pleasure to meet you Minister" Draco and I say in unison
"No, It's my pleasure to meet you young heirs" says Fudge
"Children we are here to see your inheritance before Christmas" says Mother
"All you have to do is prick you index finger on the needle" says Father as Draco looks scared
"Who would like to go first?" Says Fudge
"I will. It doesn't look scary" I say as I prick my finger on the needle and my blood goes on parchment
"Here you go Ms.Malfoy" says Fudge as he hands me the parchment
Maddison Malfoy-Potter
Mother: Narcissa Malfoy
Father: James Potter
Siblings: Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy
Aunt: Bellatrix Lestrange and Andromeda Tonks
Uncle: Unknown Black
Godfather: Severus Snape
Godmother: None
Grandfather: Abraxas Malfoy, Cygnus Black, Fleamont Potter,and Tom Riddle
Grandmother: Druella Malfoy, Medusa Malfoy, and Euphemia Potter
Inheritance: House of Black, Half House of Malfoy, Half House of Potter, House of Riddle, Half  House of Gaunt, House of Slytherin.

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