Quidditch World Cup

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Maddison POV
"Let's go Draco, Hugo and Maddison we have to get our seats" says Father
"Look it's the Weasley's" says Hugo out loud
"Authur if it rains you'll be the first to know" says Father
"My family and I are at the Minister's Box! By personal invitation by Cornelius Fudge himself!" Boasts Draco
"Don't boast Draco. There's no need with these people" says Father as I smile at Harry and Hermione
"Lets go" I hear Harry whisper as he turns but Father stop him with his walking stick
"Do enjoy yourself won't you, while you can" says Father as he lets go of Harry's foot
"Who do you think will win?" Says Hugo as he wraps his arms around me
"Ireland." I say blankly
"What about Bulgaria?" Says Hugo
"Bulgaria will catch the snitch but will lose by 10 points"
"How do you know that?" Says Hugo
"I saw it. Yesterday when I was at the Ministry with Father"
"What else did you see?" Says Hugo looking concerned
"Chaos. The dark mark will be shown minutes after the Quidditch World Cup is given. When everyone has saw the game and will be celebrating or mourning"
                         Time Skip
"Where's Father Maddison?" Says Draco and I look around in the tent
"We have to go!" I say as I stand up and go to the exit
"Why" says Draco
"It's happening!"
"We have to find your father" says Hugo and we hear screams and fire
"Freeze death eaters!" Yells someone at us and we stop and turn
"That's the Malfoy's kid and Chapell's boy" says Fudge as he comes toward
"Go home children. Just go home and I'm sure Mr.Malfoy will be there" says Fudge and he apparate us home
"Children!" Says Mother
"Mother!" I say as I go up to her and hug her
"Where's father?" Says Draco
"He's coming home later. Go to bed and try to sleep" says Mother and Draco goes to his room but I stay
"He's with Voldemort, isn't he. He's with the death eaters"
"Maddison..." Says Mother
"When can I meet them? Voldemort and my uncle? You said when I'm in 4th year I'll meet them"
"You will. Be patient" says Mother and I go to my room

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