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Maddison POV
"Have you made you decision Maddison?" Says Father
"I want to go to Beauxbatons"
"You do?" Says Mother
"Yes. I heard good things about it and decided to go there for a year"
"That's wonderful Maddison" says Father
"We have to get your uniform and many other thing" Mother says excited
"Don't be nervous Maddison. We are very close friends to the headmistress." Says Father
"We must to a goodbye party for you" says Draco
"I must tell Daphne and Pansy before anyone else knows"
"They can spend the night tomorrow." Says Mother
"I hope they will miss me and make sure no first year is in my dormitory"
A/n: Yes! Maddison is going to Beauxbatons!! I made did my research and I know what house she'll be in. Harry POV will be included more this year as they are not in the same school and we need to see how things in Hogwarts are going.
Everyone waiting for the next chapter: 👁   👁

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