Platform 9 3/4

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Maddison POV
As the month went by it's finally time to go to Hogwarts. I make sure I pack everything I need for my first year.
"Are you ready dear?" Says Mother
"Yes, lets go to the platform"
"Hold onto my arm and don't let go" Says father as I close my eyes
Soon as I open my eyes I see that we are on platform 9 3/4
"Children you two stay together and find a compartment" says mother
"Draco take care of you little sister and make sure she is alright" says Father
"Of course father" says Draco
"Goodbye Mother, Goodbye father. I'll write to you every week"
"Goodbye children" says Mother and Father
Draco POV
As Maddison and I go on the train I see Crabbe and Goyle.
"Come on Maddison"
"Draco I want to find daphne" wines Maddison
"You have to wait she on the train somewhere, we must stick together as mother said"
"Ok....." she sighs
Maddison POV
"Hey Maddi!" Says Daphne
"Daphne! You're here!"
"Yeah mum and father told me that your coming a year early" says Daphne
"Amazing isn't it, Dumbledore himself talked to my father and told him I must come a year early"
"Cool I can't wait for sorting-" says Daphne before she got interrupted
"Have you seen a toad a boy name Neville lost it" says a girl with bushy hair
"Didn't your mother teach you to knock" says Draco
"Uhh..... have you seen the toad?" Says the bushy haired girl
"That's what I thought mudblood" says Draco as the girl runs out
"What were you saying Daphne?"
"I can't wait for the sorting I'm going to be in Slytherin" says Daphne as the train stop
"Firs' years, firs' years 5 do a boat" says Hagrid
"Look at that oaf, he should be on a beanstalk" says Draco as we laugh

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