Summer Holidays!

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Maddison POV
"Well mail each other over the summer I promise" says Hugo as he gives me a hug
"I'll miss you. Make sure you train good for quidditch over the summer! If you want to be on the team"
"Of course I'll train. Draco, Flint, and I are the best ones there" say Hugo as he flex's his somewhat mussels
"I know you will. I have to go, my mother is waiting" I say as I kiss Hugo's cheek and go over to Mother
"We must get Draco from the platform" says Mother
"Where's Father?" I say as we apparate to the Hogwarts platform
"Your father is at the ministry" says Mother as we see Draco
"Draco!" Say as I run to him and hug him
"Didn't know you were excited to see me" says Draco
"I missed my brother. Don't be flattered either Draco"
"I'm going to talk to Blaise I'll be back" says Draco
"Mother can I see Harry?"
"Yes you may Maddison" says Mother and I walk over to Harry and hug him
"Maddison! Hey! How was Beauxbatons?" Says Harry as he hugs me back
"It's was amazing. I'm going back to Hogwarts though. You have to meet Hugo"
"Who's Hugo?" Says Harry
"Maddison's boyfriend" says Daphne as she walks up
"Boyfriend?! You have a boyfriend" says Harry
"It not that serious. It started in October"
"Maddison your back from Beauxbatons" say Hermione
"Hermione! Did you score better than the boys?"
"Of course. They didn't really do that good but pass" says Hermione
"I have to go. Mother is probably waiting. Bye guys" I say as I wave to everyone

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