The Truth

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Maddison POV
"Where's Harry?"
"He's at the Gryffindor table. Why?" Says Daphne
"I need to talk to them!" I say angrily
"Harry!" I yell
"Huh?" Says Harry
"I need to talk to you, Hermione, and Ron!"
"Ok let's get out of here!" Says Ron as we walk into the hallways
"What do you want?" Hermione says rudely
"Well you tell me Mudblood! Why did you brew a polyjuice potion?! Harry and Ron snuck into Slytherin common room!" I yell
"How dI'd you know!" Says Ron
"Draco told me that Crabbe and Goyle was acting weird."
"So?" Says Harry
"Not just any weird! Goyle had glasses on and Crabbe has red hair!!" I say angrily
"That means nothing!" Says Hermione
"And to prove my suspension right I see Hermione like a Millicent cat and polyjuice potion still out?"
"So we did it! What are you going to do?" Says Harry
"I will be telling Professor Snape and Professor McGonagall!"
"No wait-" they all say before they get cut off by Draco
"Come on Maddison we have to go on the train." Says Draco
"Coming Draco!" I say as I look back at Harry
"Your not my brother! Your a liar and a sneak!"   I say as I run to Draco
"I'm sorry!" I hear Harry say
Time skip to the Malfoy Manor
"Mother, Father can I talk to you?"
"Sure sweetie!" Says Mother
"Who are my real parents?" I say as mother and father look shocked
"Why do you ask?" Says Father
"Well.... purebloods and halfbloods are only in Slytherin. I was wondering who are my parents?"
"Lucius we have to tell her!" Mother whispers
"Narcissa, we must wait!" Father whispers
"She needs to know!" Mother whispers
"Know what!?" I say breaking their whispers
"Lily Potter is not your mother Maddison" says Father
"She's not?" I say in disbelief
"No you and Harry are Half siblings. You happen to be at the Potters house during the attack" says Mother
"If Lily Potter is not them who is?" I say confused
"I am your mother Maddison. Your real mother" says Mother
"Really? How?"
"Back when Draco was a year old Voldemort set a rule. That all his pureblood followers must have another child." Says Mother
"Another child?"
"Yes another child from a different pureblood that is not your spouse" says Father
"Only the woman needed to do it. Everyone had to pick from a magical hat. Which was filled with Purebloods names." Says Mother
"Was it legal?"
"It certainly was. The hat came out with James Potter and I was to set him under the imperious curse and seduce him. After I seduce him I found out that I was with child" says Mother
"Yes you Maddison. I had told James that I was with child and it was his and Lucius already knew. We had both agreed that once a month on a weekend you are to see him." Says Mother
"Are you not angry?" Says Father
"No father, James Potter might be my real father but you'll always be my Favorite father!" I say as I hug them both
"I love you Maddison." Says Father
"I love you too."

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