Heir of Slytherin Pt.2

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Harry POV
"Please I need help!" I say in my mind to the sorting hat as I put it on
"You wish is my command" says The sorting hat in my head as I feel a sword in the hat
"Ahh" I shout as I continue to swing the sword at the Basilisk.
"Don't worry Harry you'll die" says Maddison
"Ahh" I say as plunge the sword into the roof of the basilisk mouth, killing it."
"Ugh!" Cries Maddison as she falls down
"No!" I say as I feel pain on my arm and see the the basilisk poisonous fang in my arm
"You see Harry Potter! I will always win!" Gloats Tom
"You will never win!" I say as I stab the diary with the basilisk fang and in begins to pour out like blood
"Nooooo!" Shouts Tom as his memory begins to fade and agony stirs and wakes up and Fawkes heals my wound
"Harry...?" Says Ginny
"Ginny! Your awake!" I say hugging her
"We have to go back and get Ron and Lockhart" I say as I walk over to Maddison and carry her
"What's wrong with her" says Ginny
"She is ill" I say lying
"Oh" says Ginny as we see Ron and Lockhart
"Ginny!" Says Ron as he hugs her
Draco POV
"Mr.Malfoy?" Says Snape
"Yes Professor?"
"Follow me." Says Snape
"Where are we going?"
"The infirmary." Says Snape
"Is it Maddison?"
"Your sister has simply passed out Draco" says Snape
"My father will here about this"
"Your mother and father is coming" says Snape as we go into the infirmary and see Potter,Weasel, and Granger, and Wither
"I expect you three to be in the Great Hall" says Snape
"Yes Professor" they say
"I will let you have your privacy together" says Wither as he walks out
"I'll leave now Draco" says Snape as he follow behind Wither
"Is she okay?" I say to Madame Pomfrey
"She is going to be fine. Your parents are coming to take her home" says Madame Pomfrey
"Oh my poor baby!" Says Mother as she sees Maddison
"Where was she!" Yells Father
"She was in the Chamber of Secrets" says Dumbledore
"You old coat!" Yells Father
"Calm down Lucius" says Mother
"My daughter will not be attending Hogwarts next year!" Yells Father
"Father..?" Says Maddison as she wakes up
Maddison POV
"Father..?" I say as I sit up
"No dear lay down" says Mother
"What happened?"
"Do you not remember anything at all?" Says Father
"I remember... looking at a statue of Salazar Slytherin"
"Do you remember anything after?" Says Dumbledore
"No? Am I supposed to?" I say Confused
"Don't worry about it Maddison" says Draco
"Let's go home" Says Mother
"Draco go back to the Great Hall for the feast. We will see you at the platform." Says Father to Draco
"Yes Father." Says Draco as he walks out
"Hold onto my hand Maddison" says Mother as we apparate to the Mano
A/n: Alright guys that's all for this year/chapter😁!! Also I realized that I never gave you Maddison middle name😯!! Maddison full name is: Maddison Lily Bellatrix Malfoy-Potter. There will be a Year 3🤪😁!!!

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