A chat with Dumbledore🤔

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Maddison POV
I sit in the common room with the rest of the Slytherins to do homework, then I see my owl Thomas fly thought the common room and deliver me a letter:
Maddison I will like to speak to you in my office 5 minutes after you get this the password is: Sherbet Lemon
"Why does Dumbledore wants to talk to me?"
"Probably to make sure your ok" says Daphne
"Or to tell that I am going to get detention"
"Just go to see what he wants" says Daphne
As I walk down to Gryffindor Tower and say
"Sherbet Lemon"
Then it start moving and I step on one of the stairs. I come to a door and knock on it
"Come in!" Says Dumbledore
"Sir you wanted to see me?"
"Ah.... yes a Malfoy's and a Potter" says Dumbledore
"I know this already sir"
"I know you do Maddison,'you come here today to talk about family" says Dumbledore
"Why is that?"
"You are a Pureblood witch unlike your brother" says Dumbledore
"How come?"
"Lucius and Narcissa gave their blood to you when you were younger and needed a blood transplant" says Dumbledore
"So I have 4 parents?"
"You also have great power" says Dumbledore
"You need to control that power so you can use it for good" sags Dumbledore
"You think I'm going to turn out like Voldemort?"
"Brave of you to say your grandfather name" says Dumbledore
"I have to go sir, I have studied to do"
"Yes run along, goodbye Maddison" says Dumbledore
"Goodbye, sir"

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