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"Someone must have took them by mistake."

"Definitely, did you see anyone go-" Elena's voice was interrupted by her phone ringing, probably Stefan calling her, Natalia thought. Elena answered and started talking to him just as Nat parked the car. Both girls got out of the car and walked to the porch. Elena looked for her keys in her purse while Nat waited behind her, staring at her. It was still kind of scary how similar Elena and Katherine looked, especially when Elena curled her hair. While Nat and her were twins, they weren't identical, they had similar features but they were starkly different. But from the picture she saw, her and Katherine were practically the same person. She couldn't imagine what went through Damon and Stefan's head when they saw her dressed for the event earlier that day.

"I looked everywhere. Yeah, someone definitely took my stuff." Elena found the keys and gave them to Nat, which she took quickly and opened the door. "We're just gonna check on Jeremy before we go to the hospital, can you meet us there? Okay, I love you Stefan." Nat rolled her eyes and Elena playfully glared at her. She went to the bottom of the stairs and called for Jeremy while Elena closed the door behind her.

"Jeremy? Are you up?" Suddenly, the girls heard a noise in the kitchen and looked at each other. Quickly they went towards it, but as soon as they entered they found John lying on the floor bleeding badly. Nat gasped and Elena rushed to him, dropping down to the floor and trying to stop the bleeding. Natalia grabbed the phone and called 911, giving them the address of the house, hoping they would get there as soon as possible. When she looked at John she saw fear in his eyes.

"Behind you." John whispered, no energy left behind.

"What?" Elena was confused, she just wanted to stop the bleeding.

"Behind you!" John said more forcefully, trying to get them to turn around. Both girls turned around, Elena gasping. But no one was there. She grabbed the bloody knife and cautiously approached the hallway, Natalia behind her. They heard something behind them and turned around, but no one was there. Soon, the door opened and closed.

"Jeremy!" Natalia said loudly, worry and fear overtaking her. Elena went running upstairs while Nat stayed with John, making sure he would be fine until the ambulance arrived. But soon, Elena came down running.

"Jeremy tried to kill himself!"

Natalia's blood ran cold and immediately went upstairs. She couldn't believe it, why would Jeremy do this? She got to this room and found him sitting in his bed, looking at the wall blankly. He turned to see her and she ran to hug him.

"I'm fine."

"Don't do that again, Jeremy, please. I can't lose you, we can't lose you. Don't scare us like that." Her voice broke and he just rubbed her back, trying to calm her down. They heard footsteps and let go of each other.

"What happened?" Stefan's voice came from the door. Nat stood up and went to Elena, putting an arm around her, trying to find comfort. This day was turning out to be worse than she could've imagined.

"He said that Anna gave him her blood and then he took these pills and now... I mean he looks fine but then again so do you. So, I just... I don't know." Nat frowned at this. So Jeremy wanted to become a vampire, she just had no idea why. Stefan took Jeremy's face in his hand and examined his eyes, looking for something.

"Come here. Look at me. Shh."

"I'm fine, okay? I feel exactly the same." Jeremy struggled with Stefan, trying to get the vampire to let him go.

"Should we call a paramedic up here? What should we do?" Nat's voice cut through, worried that maybe Jeremy wasn't fine. Stefan looked into Jeremy's eyes and shook his head.

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