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"I can't believe this happened. What am I going to say to him?" Elena asked out loud as she paced around the living room. Earlier in the night, Nat and Jeremy had woken up to her screams in the kitchen and immediately went down. But when they got there, Elena freaked out and stabbed Jeremy in the neck with a knife. Luckily, he was wearing his ring, but that didn't make her sister feel any better. So she had called Damon and the three of them were waiting for Jeremy to wake up again.

"Thanks for not ditching the family ring after it drove Ric crazy?" Damon suggested jokingly and Nat and Elena glared at him. "You should have called Stefan."

"I don't want to talk to him." She shook her head as she turned her back to them. "He's been lying to me and hiding things from me. He compelled Jeremy to forget God knows what." Damon and Nat looked at each other and then back at Elena, knowing exactly what Stefan had compelled Jeremy to forget.

"In all fairness, I mean, I think you killing him kinda trumps that. And you should have called Stefan."

"I don't trust him right now, Damon." Suddenly, the door opened and Stefan walked in looking worried.


"PS, I called Stefan." Damon mumbled as his brother walked over to Elena.

"What happened? Why did you call me?" Stefan asked the three of them.

"I just- I need to go upstairs and shower." Elena muttered. "Clean all the blood off my hands." She held up her hands slightly before walking out of the room. In that moment, Jeremy gasped loudly as he came back to life.

"Welcome back." Nat told him. "How are you feeling?"

"What happened?"

"Long story, buy the e-book." Damon told him. Stefan sighed and left the room, walking up the stairs to talk to Elena. Nat turned to Jeremy as he looked around the room.

"Hey, come on." She grabbed his arm gently and turned to Damon. "Can you start cleaning up, please? I'll just change and help you." He nodded and walked to the kitchen to start cleaning up Jeremy's blood. Nat turned back to Jeremy and looked at him worriedly. "You okay?"

"I don't know what's going on." He muttered as they start walking up stairs. "Is Elena okay?" She inhaled deeply and shrugged.

"I think she's just taking Connor's death badly. But she'll be okay soon. We just need to give her some time." She told him and he nodded. "Okay, now go clean up." He went to his bedroom and Nat went to hers. As soon as her bathroom door closed, she exhaled and shut her eyes.

God, this was a mess. Connor's death was affecting Elena more than they imagined and now Jeremy had gotten hurt because of it. On top of it, they had no way to find the cure now, unless they found another hunter, which was basically impossible at this point. Nat shook her head and took a quick shower. She then got dressed quickly and went downstairs.

"There you are, you dirty liar." Damon teased as soon as she entered the kitchen. She rolled her eyes and grabbed a clean rag. She knelt down on the floor and cleaned the remaining blood on the floor and the counter.

"I couldn't tell you, Damon. I'm sorry. Klaus would've killed me."

"Oh, cut the crap. We both know he would never do that." Damon scoffed. "Maybe just rip your tongue out." He added jokingly and she shook her head, placing the bloody rag on a bucket. Stefan entered the room in that moment and they turned to him. "Where did Jeremy go?"

"School. Bonnie has him volunteering for some occult exhibit." Stefan told them and Nat raised an eyebrow.

"Or maybe he didn't want to linger in a house where his sister just jammed a knife in his neck." Nat glared at Damon and he shrugged. Suddenly, Stefan's phone started ringing and he took it out, sighing when he saw who it was.

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