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"I hate everything in my closet. I have nothing to wear to Homecoming." Elena sighed as she looked through the different dresses. Nat was sitting on the bed with Bonnie looking through the photos Ric took of the cave. "Do you already have a dress, Nat?" She asked and Nat looked up at her, nodding quickly.

"It's at the Boarding House. I'm getting ready with Bekah." She explained and Elena nodded before turning back to her closet and taking out another dress before wrinkling her nose and putting it back.

"So, don't go. Let's stay home order takeout an over analyze ancient hieroglyphic thingies with Alaric." Bonnie told her sister. Elena turned to her and smiled bashfully.

"We have to go. Caroline will kills us."

"Ha. Caroline actually has a date..." Bonnie trailed off, her voice turning a bit sad. Nat and Elena exchanged glances and looked at her intently.

"You know you can talk to us about Jeremy, right?" Elena said as she sat down next to Bonnie.

"I don't need to talk about it. He fell in love with his ghost girlfriend and lied about it. What's done is done." Bonnie told them flatly and turned to the photos.

"You have to talk about it. He hurt you, Bon. We are mad at him too." Nat told her, pointing to Elena and her.

"You are mad at your little brother. You'll yell at him a little, teach him a life lesson." The witch told them. "You can't really be mad like I am." She shrugged.


"And you shouldn't have to be. He's your brother. So no, I can't really talk to you about it." Elena looked like she was going to say something, but stayed quiet. Bonnie was right. Even though the were mad at Jeremy right now, he was their little brother. They couldn't stop talking to him altogether. "Look, I'm gonna go home and find something for tonight. I'll try to figure out more of this." Bonnie told them holding up the photos and they nodded.

"Okay. I have to help Damon prepare the weapons for tonight too." Elena told her as Bonnie got up. The witch grabbed her bag and grimoire and turned to them.

"Be careful tonight." She warned and they smiled at her. She then turned back and stepped out of the room, leaving the house after.

"Do you like this one?" Nat turned to Elena and saw her holding up a dark grey satin ruffle short dress. She looked it over and nodded.

"Yep. Looks cute." Elena grinned at her and put the dress on the bed before grabbing a black coat. "Are you ready to go?" Nat asked as she got up and walked to the door. Elena nodded, grabbing her bag and following her out. They walked down the stairs and Nat grabbed the car keys before opening the door. She went to the car and opened the door to the driver's seat. She started the car, Elena getting in after putting the dress and coat in the back.

"So... Mikael?" Elena asked after a few minutes.

"Can't wait to see him!" Nat exclaimed sarcastically. Elena chuckled at that and shook her head.

"He's probably already up." She said. They had daggered him last night after he explained that Stefan was compelled and would reveal the truth if he wasn't really 'dead'. Elena had told her everything late last night given that Nat had stayed home. She didn't wanna see the Original just yet. If she was being honest, she hoped she wouldn't have to see him at all.

"Goody." Nat muttered as she parked the car outside the Boarding House. Both girls stepped out of the car and walked to the door, Nat opening it and entering the house. They heard Damon and Stefan's voices coming from the library and headed that way.

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