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And so we reached the end of the first book. Three months ago I finally got the courage to write my first story. I was afraid that no one would like it, or maybe some would and others would find it ridiculous. I hesitated on writing this, thinking that I didn't have a clear plot, just some loose ideas. And then I sent an ask to one of my favorite writers on Tumblr and she gave me the best advice: just write it. So I did. I wrote the first chapter and I published it on Ao3, hoping that at least one person would read it. Three months later and this small idea of mine, turned into an almost 70 part story.

I want to thank each and every one of you who has commented, voted, added it to a reading list or even just read the story. From the bottom of my heart, thank you for supporting this story and reading it, you have no idea how happy this has made me. I've lost sleep because of this story for days, even weeks, but I don't regret it one single bit.

If you're reading this, thank you for sticking up until this part of the story and I hope you follow Natalia's journey to New Orleans in the sequel titled....

Turning Page

The reason I wanted to do another book was firstly, because we would be jumping to another setting and another show. Secondly, I wanted it to represent Nat's change. She's moving on from her old life and onto her next adventure. I also wanted to do another book because this book became too long and I didn't want to continue adding on more chapters.

It's already up on my profile, so go check out the first two chapters!!

Thank you and I love you!!!

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