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She was sweating, laying on a bed. Her body was sore and her eyes were closed. Suddenly, Emiliya felt a wet towel on her forehead, and when she opened her eyes, Katerina was there, her eyes glossy with tears.

"S-sister-" Before she could continue, a cough took over her body. Katerina rubbed her back soothingly.

"Don't talk, Emiliya. Just rest." She told her softly, one hand on her back and the other on her forehead.

"It hurts Katerina. E-every part of my body." She cried softly. "I just want it to stop." She closed her eyes once again. When she opened them, she saw Tatia already watching her, tears falling down her face. "Don't leave me, Tatia. Please." She moaned in pain.

"Do not worry, Emiliya, the pain will be gone soon."

A phone goes off, waking up the four girls. Natalia was sleeping on the floor surrounded by blankets and pillows.

"Go away!" Caroline grumbled, before pushing Elena off the bed. Her sister landed on the floor, hitting her in the process.

"Ow!" "Unf!" Nat and Elena exclaimed at the same time. They both look back up at Caroline angrily, before Nat stands up slowly and Elena crawls away to answer her phone. Nat groaned softly at being woken up so rudely, but figured she'd start getting ready for the day. She went to the bathroom with her bag, putting on a grey shirt, a pair of black jeans, a black hoodie and her converse. After brushing her teeth and hair, she went to the room again. She found the girls already awake, sat up on the bed.

"Stefan?" Nat asked Elena. She nodded sheepishly.

"How did you, um- how did you sleep?" Bonnie asked shyly, obviously not wanting to upset her. Nat walked to the bed and sat next to her.

"Eh, I mean, I had a dream about Katherine-"

"Not Tatia?" Elena asked confused.

"Nope. Well, I think in my dying moments as Emiliya I confused Katerina for Tatia." She said out loud. Caroline, Bonnie and Elena all looked at her between shocked and confused. "Anyways, what did Stefan want?" She asked her sister.

"Oh, uh." She chuckled nervously. "We're going on a little getaway. Everything's been so stressful, so we're gonna have some time alone."

"I'm sure you will." Caroline teased. Bonnie and Nat burst out laughing while Elena hit her with a pillow. After a brief moment, they stopped laughing.

"I really missed this." Bonnie told them. "Just us being silly, being normal." She said, her voice soft with longing.

"You mean before Caroline died and you became a witch?" Nat joked.

"Before Elena fell in love with a vampire and Nat found out she was reincarnated?" Caroline continued.

"Yes! Exactly." Bonnie chuckled. They laughed again for a while before Elena stood up, gathering her things before turning to Nat.

"I'm going to pack for the trip. You coming with me?" Nat nodded at her. "Okay, I'm just gonna get dressed. I'll be out real quick." With that she left to the bathroom.

"So, I have a plan to get information out of Luka." Bonnie said quietly. Nat and Caroline turned to her in surprise.

"Bonnie..." Nat warned her, knowing this could go wrong if Elijah found out.

"I know you trust Elijah, but I don't. And the deal with Elena? There's more to it, and I'm gonna find out." Bonnie told her, finality in her tone.

"Fine, but just... be careful." She said reluctantly.

"I'll go to the Grill today and see if I find him there."

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