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"This a disaster!" Caroline said loudly as Stefan and Nat folded the blankets and placed them on the couch.

"Look, we don't know anything for sure." Nat told her and she shook her head.

"Yes, we do! Elena is sired to Damon! Which means her one singular burning desire is to make him happy, just like Klaus and his hybrids!" She frowned.

"No, it's not." Stefan told her. "A vampire sired to another vampire is one in a million. Maybe it won't affect her the same way." He shrugged and Caroline furrowed her brows.

"We already know it's affecting her. She's become Damon's lapdog." She muttered and Nat raised her eyebrows.

"Caroline!" She said loudly and Stefan gave the blonde a look.

"It's true! Everything he says, she agrees with. Everything he asks her to do... she does." Caroline told them. "We need to do something." She mumbled and got her phone out ready to call Elena.

"Wait, no, hold on Caroline." Stefan stopped her. "This isn't gossip. You can't just drop this on her before we know what's happening for sure."

"I need to talk to Tyler, okay? Maybe he'll know what to do." She told both of them and Stefan sighed.

"All right, talk to Tyler, but please don't tell anyone else. If this is true, then it may have an influence on Elena's every action and emotion since she became a vampire." Caroline looked at him for a moment before nodding. "Okay, I'm gonna go home. See you guys later." He told both girls and walked out of the house. Nat turned to Caroline and sighed.

"This is a mess." She muttered and grabbed her bag. "Let's just go." Caroline nodded and they walked out of the house too, heading to the vampire's car and getting inside. They drove away from her house and a few minutes later, they arrived at school. "I'm gonna talk to Matt, okay?" Nat told Caroline as they entered the school and the blonde nodded. Nat walked through the hallways for a moment before spotting him by his locker. "Hey." She greeted him as soon as she stood in front of him.

"Hi." He smiled at her as he got some books out.

"How is Jeremy?" She asked him quietly and he shrugged.

"So far so good. I mean, he was pretty okay last night." He told her and she breathed a sigh of relief. "How come you weren't at home yesterday?"

"Oh, I crashed at Caroline's. Stefan was feeling a bit down so we stayed with him." She explained and Matt nodded.

"So he and Elena definitely broke up?" Matt asked her as he closed his locker and they walked through the hallway.

"Yeah, he's taking it a bit hard, but I'm sure he'll be okay in a few months." Nat assured him and he smiled lightly. She glanced at Bonnie's locker and found her and Caroline talking. "Well, I'm gonna leave you, Matt. Thanks for taking care of Jeremy." She smiled at him and he returned the smile. She walked away and towards her friends. "It's good to see you, Bonnie." Nat told her and the witch rolled her eyes playfully. Truth be told, they hadn't seen much of her the last few days, what with her busy practicing magic with that creepy professor.

"Elena." Bonnie said and Nat looked at her sister as she approached them in a rush. "Hey, is everything okay?" She asked softly and Elena nodded.

"Yeah, why wouldn't it be?" Her sister asked Bonnie.

"Well, Caroline told me you had to move out to stay away from Jeremy."

"Matt is at the house staying with him right now to make sure he keeps all of his hunter stuff in control." Nat said from beside Bonnie.

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