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She was walking by the village with her sister on her side. She was holding her hand while they giggled to themselves. Suddenly they saw a blonde man stand in front of them. His piercing blue eyes stared at Iliana while he opened his mouth to speak, obviously flustered.

"Iliana, Tatia." The twins nodded at him and quieted down. He turned to Iliana. "I was hoping you would walk with me." She wanted to, but knew their mother would want them to go home soon. They had been outside far too much time and she would be calling them home.

"Go sister, I will hold mother off for some time." Tatia nodded at her. She smiled and turned back to the man, already seeing his hand extended. She grabbed it and they started walking towards the field.

"What did you want to show me?" She inquired. 

"I just wanted to spend time with you, love." She blushed at the nickname and kept her head down. 

"How is Bekah? I haven't seen her in days." She changed the subject to his sister.

"You know her, probably getting into trouble with Kol."

"Ah, of course, the troublemakers." She said chuckling. He laughed at that and stopped beside the old tree. He gestured for her to sit down before sitting himself. 

"Do you think your father would accept my proposal?" Her heart skipped a beat. Did he really want to marry her? The prospect excited her, but she knew her father didn't like him very much. He didn't like his family at all for that matter. 


"I love you, Iliana. I want to marry you." She smiled at him, tears welling in her eyes. She loved him so much, but she knew it would never be possible for them to get married. "And if your father doesn't accept, then we will leave and never come back."

"You would leave your family, your siblings for me?"

"Without a doubt." He said immediately. "Although we could make an exception with a few of my siblings." She laughed at that and kissed his cheek.

"I love you, Nik." They looked at each other, stares full of innocent love. He opened his mouth to say something else but no words came out. She frowned and tried to talk too, but no words came out of her mouth. 

She opened her eyes abruptly and sat up in her bed. She was disoriented for a moment, not recognizing the place she was in. Suddenly the door opened and in came a girl. Tatia? She started talking but she wasn't paying attention. Her sister looked different, her hair wasn't in her usual curls and she wore weird clothes. She scrunched her face up in confusion.

"Nat? Are you ok?" Who was Nat? She saw Tatia waving at her before she spoke again. "Hey, I was asking if you were going to the Lockwood's to help decorate or if you're staying with Caroline." The Lockwood's? Caroline? Suddenly the confusion cleared up and she shook her head. It was Elena. Her sister, Elena. Not Tatia.

"Uh, yeah, yeah. Sorry, I was still sleepy." She said with a nervous laugh, hoping Elena bought it. She looked unsure, but just nodded. "I'm gonna get ready quickly. I'll be down in a few."

"Okay." With that Elena left. As soon as the door closed Nat let out a breath.

What the hell just happened?!

It wasn't just a dream, it was like she wasn't even herself. She confused her sister for another girl, almost calling her Tatia. She started panicking, air coming up short. What was happening to her? She almost couldn't breathe, so she closed her eyes and tried to relax. It was okay. Everything was fine. She was in her room, in Mystic Falls, and down the hall was her sister, Elena . She took a deep breath and opened her eyes.

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