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"Katherine looked just like you, it was freakish." Bonnie's voice made Nat turn around.

"She's my ancestor." Elena told Bonnie, looking around, making sure everything was okay. "Hey, I moved the student booth into the cafeteria." She told her sister, and Nat nodded. Elena turned back to Bonnie.

"You vampire ancestor, and she didn't just resemble you like a family member. She was you." At this, Nat nodded. It was true, Katherine was practically Elena, down to her mannerisms, to the way she talked. It still freaked her out knowing that she talked to Katherine without realizing it wasn't Elena.

"I don't know, I can't explain it."

"It's creepy, that's all we got." Nat quipped from behind Elena.

"How do you know she's not still out there pretending to be you?"

"I don't, but I could sit here and be tortured by the not-knowing or I could get these prizes to the ring toss." Nat didn't know how Elena wasn't scared out of her mind. She knew she was. But she guessed Elena just wanted to distract herself from everything that happened the past couple of days.

"Have you talked to Damon since he killed Jeremy or tried to kill Jeremy?" Bonnie turned to Nat. She sighed and shook her head.

"No Bonnie, we haven't and we won't, and I'd rather we didn't talk about him or anything else that's vampire related, okay?" Bonnie and Elena laughed and agreed with her.

"We're human, at least both of us." Elena said, looking at her sister. "And we have to do human stuff. Otherwise, we're going to go crazy."

"Couldn't agree more, sister. Let's finish up here before I lose my mind." Nat said, getting back to work.

"Okay, I'm sorry, I'll focus." Bonnie said. "We have to make Caroline proud or she will kill us. I don't know how she does all of this." The three of them looked at each other before bursting out laughing.

"Well, because she's not human." Said Elena.

"Obviously." Nat said, laughing again.

Elena and Nat walked down the hallway, looking for their brother and Stefan

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Elena and Nat walked down the hallway, looking for their brother and Stefan. Elena spotted them quickly and they went in their direction.

"Hello Elena." Stefan said as they got closer.

"Hey." She turned to Jeremy. "Did you-"

"Yeah, yeah, I set up the goldfish toss, all three hundred goldfish." Jeremy interrupted her sister. Nat and Jeremy looked at each other. "It's gonna be epic!" He said sarcastically, turning around to leave.

"Jer, wait up." Nat called, leaving Stefan and Elena alone. He just kept walking and she fell in step with him.

"Have you talked to Damon?"

"No, Jer, I haven't. Why does everyone keep asking?"

"Well, you have that weird thing with him." Nat looked at him, confusion written all over her face.

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