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"I know you're there."

"You're getting better at this." Nat turned to her bed and saw Katherine already laying down, reading her journal with the different memories. "So, you're writing your memories in this?" She asked holding up the journal.

"Mhm." She had just brushed her teeth and was now going to get dressed for school. A few days had passed since that disastrous dinner at the Boarding House, and Katherine had been visiting everyday. Without the others knowing, of course. Not that she would care, anyway. Her and Elena hadn't been talking to each other and she missed her terribly, but she was too proud. "What's with the hair anyway?" She asked Katherine.

"Pretending to be Elena is really entertaining." She said smirking. Nat glared at her and she rolled her eyes, standing up and walking to her wardrobe. "She really doesn't want me here."

"Why did you stay anyway? I thought as soon as the compulsion wore off you'd be out of town." Nat started looking for something to wear, Katherine behind her.

"I was being honest, I want to help."

"Correction, you want Klaus dead and you know Elena is your best chance at achieving that." She was about to grab a sweater, but Katherine stopped her and pushed her aside, rummaging through her clothes before handing her a white shirt, a pair of ripped jeans, ankle boots and a denim jacket. Nat shook her head at the boots and grabbed a pair of light blue vans.

"You should really let me upgrade your wardrobe. It's boring." The vampire said rolling her eyes. "And yes, I want Klaus dead." Nat nodded and went to the bathroom to get changed quickly.

"So what are you up to now?" Nat asked as she got out, already dressed. She grabbed her bag and turned to Katherine.

"Well, I'll be helping at the Boarding House with whatever boring task they put me up to." She rolled her eyes before they lit up and turned to Nat. "You should ditch school and come." She suggested.

"Nope. I'm not missing school, Kat." Nat said.

"Nickname huh?"

"You have one for me. It's only fair." She shrugged.

"Fine, have fun with Elena then." The vampire jeered.

"She's still my sister." Nat reminded her. "Okay then, I'll be leaving. You can see yourself out, Katerina." And with that she left her room. She found Jeremy already waiting for her downstairs and soon they left the house. At first they were silent, but after a few minutes, Jeremy spoke up.

"So... you and Elena are still not talking to each other?" He asked.


"I hate seeing you guys like this, you never fight." He told her.

"She went behind my back, Jer." She reminded him. "Besides, I'm too proud. To be honest, I.... I'm not mad anymore. I mean, I'm still hurt about Elijah and the whole going behind my back thing, but my anger has subsided." She said quietly.

"Well, I think it's time you two worked this out." After that, he drove in silence, leaving Nat with her thoughts. He was right, she needed to fix things with her sister. But she was still really hurt about everything that happened. She was so lost in her thoughts, she didn't notice they had already arrived at school. She quickly got out and started walking towards the building, but spotted Elena and Stefan talking, the latter kissing her forehead before going inside. Elena crossed her arms and looked around, immediately noticing Nat.

"Nat!" She thought about Jeremy's words in the car and stopped walking, knowing that she needed to fix things with Elena. Her sister walked towards her quickly and stopped in front of her. "Hey..." She said shyly.

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