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Nat looked out the window as they drove through the streets in Mystic Falls. Elijah had already dropped off Rebekah and they were now heading to Klaus' mansion. She had been quiet the entire ride, Katherine's words running through her mind. She didn't know what to feel, if she was being honest. She just wanted to go to sleep and forget all that had happened the last few weeks.

"Are you staying?" Nat asked Elijah once they arrived at the house. He looked at her and nodded, a small smile on his face. They got out of the car and entered the house, finding it dark already, which meant that Klaus must've been asleep. They went upstairs and before Nat headed to her room, she turned to him. "Good night." He stepped closer and kissed her forehead softly.

Nat felt her heart beat out of her chest at the small gesture. She looked up at him and smiled one last time before going to her room. Once she was inside, she exhaled and changed out of her clothes, putting on her pajamas after. She got under the covers and turned the lamp off, rolling to the other side and closing her eyes.

After tossing for what felt the hundredth time in the last five minutes, Nat grumbled loudly and sat up on her bed. She couldn't sleep, feeling as if something was missing. She frowned and looked at the bed for a moment before laughing quietly. Of course. Nat got up and opened the door, looking sideways before quietly stepping outside. She padded through the hallway until she arrived at her destination.

She was about to knock on the door but then shook her head and opened it. The room was dark, the only light coming from the moon outside. Her eyes trailed off to the bed and she found the bed empty. A frown took over her face, but before she could think much of it, the bathroom door opened and Elijah came out. Nat's heart skipped a beat at the sight of him shirtless, only wearing a pair of sweatpants.

"I-" She opened her mouth to speak as they stared at each other before sighing. "I can't sleep. Can I...?" She gestured at the bed and he nodded quickly.

"Please." He motioned for her to lay on the bed and she complied. She laid on the left side and he rounded the bed, laying on the right side. They both stared at the ceiling in silence, neither knowing what to say or do. After a moment, Elijah turned on his side and stared at Nat. Feeling self conscious, Nat did the same. "What are you thinking?" He murmured.

"I'm thinking that you never kept your promise." His brows furrowed before an amused smile took over his lips.

"Remind me again." He told her and she chuckled, scooting closer to him. Immediately, Elijah laid down on his back and wrapped an arm around her, bringing her closer.

"Well, if my memory serves me right, I told you to take me on the cheesiest, corniest date." She traced various shapes on his naked chest while he ran his fingers through her hair.


"Then, you would take me back home and then when we were on the porch, you'd kiss me." He hummed and Nat licked her lips. "But it wouldn't last long because..." She made a brief pause and then exhaled. "Because Jenna would interrupt us. After that, I would go to my room and feel giddy all night remembering the kiss."

"And then we would repeat it over, and over again." He finished and Nat nodded.

"Well, downside is, Jenna is not here anymore and my house is burnt to the ground." She looked up at him and smiled shyly. "But I think we can adapt to the circumstances."

"Right after your summer trip?" Her face fell at his words and she placed her head on his chest.

"I don't think I'm going on a trip anymore, Elijah. I was supposed to do that with Kol and now he's..."

"He would want you to go." She looked up at him and found him already staring at her sadly. "He loved you immensely. Seeing you happy would be the greatest honor you could do him." She bit her lower lip, still unsure about it. "What about this? I will pay for your trip, as a graduation gift." Her eyes widened and she raised herself on her elbows, looking at him in disbelief.

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