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"I've been having these dreams for days now. It's like the witches are trying to send me a message." Bonnie sighed as they stood around the coffins. She had told Nat and Elena that they had been hiding them for some time now in the old witch house and explained her weird dreams.

"I just can't believe that you guys kept this from us the whole time." Elena told their friend.

"Stefan thought if you knew where the coffins were, Klaus could threaten people to get the information out of you." Bonnie said, looking at Elena before she turned to Nat. "And he thought that you..." She trailed off nervously and Nat nodded understandingly. Frankly, she wouldn't trust her with this either if she was Stefan. At the most inconvenient times she usually gave in to her weakness and did everything to protect Klaus, so it was out of the question to tell her.

"So these are the rest of his family?" Elena asked as she looked at the coffins.

"Yeah. Elijah and two others."

"Kol and Finn." Nat said out loud and Bonnie nodded before walking over to the fourth one.

"This one... is the one we can't open. We don't know who is in it, or what's in it, only that I think my dream's telling me it'll help us kill Klaus." Bonnie explained and they stared at the coffin curiously. They heard footsteps approaching and when they turned, they saw Stefan standing there, already looking at the witch.

"What the hell are you doing?" He asked Bonnie coldly.

"I needed them to know about the coffin." She retorted.

"And I needed you to keep them out of it, Bonnie. Especially Nat." He said and Nat rolled her eyes.

"So what are you gonna do, Stefan? Are you gonna kidnap us so that we won't tell anyone?" Elena asked him as she crossed her arms and glared at him.

"Don't tempt me, Elena." He warned and she shook her head.

"I think I know who can open the coffin, Stefan. And I need Elena and Nat to help me find her." Bonnie snapped.

"Find who? What are you talking about?" He asked puzzled as Bonnie walked towards them.

"I couldn't place her at first. Then I realized..." She trailed off and got something out of her back pocket. When she handed it to Nat, she realized it was a photo. Elena and her stared at it for a second and opened their mouths in surprise.

"Oh my God, Bonnie." Elena said out loud.

"Who is this?" Stefan asked as he snatched the photo out of Nat's hand and looked it over.

"It's my mom." Their friend said quietly. Stefan looked at her in surprise before he composed himself quickly.

"Then you need to find her now." Was all he said before leaving the room. Nat stared at him as he left and rolled her eyes after.

"I really can't stand him." She muttered.

"I'm gonna talk to the Sheriff and see what I find." Elena told Bonnie and she nodded. "I'll keep you updated."

"Okay. I'll see if I find anything at home." The witch said and grabbed her bag before leaving the house too. Nat turned to the coffins and looked at them longingly.

"I'll, uh, go make that call to the Sheriff. I'll be in the car." Elena said awkwardly, trying to give her some time. Nat turned to her and nodded, a slight smile gracing her lips. Elena walked to the stairs but turned at the last minute. "Just in case... you won't..."

"I won't undagger them." Nat assured her and her sister smiled at her before leaving the room. She took a deep breath and walked to the first one. She shut her eyes for a moment before opening it.

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