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She was walking with Tatia through the village, hand in hand and giggling. They reached the field of flowers and were about to sit down when a girl came out from behind the tree. Tatia stopped a few feet behind Iliana, as the latter watched the girl in confusion. She had long curly and was wearing a gown with a tight-fitting bodice and a full skirt that ran to her ankles. When she looked at her face she saw Tatia's same features. She heard someone come out from behind the other side of the tree. It was another girl, but she was wearing pants and a shirt and had long straight hair. When she looked at her face she found the same face as Tatia and the other girl. She furrowed her brows and looked in between the three girls, not knowing who was who. Suddenly she felt a sharp pain in her head.

"What's happening?" She clutched her head. "Who are you?!" The girl with the dress stepped closer to her and looked into her eyes.

"Emiliya, don't you recognize your own sister? It is I, Katerina." She said smiling. She looked at her before recognition washed over her. Of course. Katerina. How could Emiliya forget her own sister? She stepped closer but was stopped by another voice.

"Nat? It's me, Elena." She turned and looked at her confused before remembering her.

"Lena." She was about to walk towards her but a voice came from behind her.

"Iliana? Sister, it is me, Tatia! Do not listen to them!" She looked between the three girls confused, her memory failing to recognize them once again. They all looked the same but they called her different names. She stepped back and tripped, falling down. The three of them started walking towards her, talking at the same time.




She closed her eyes, the frustration and anxiety eating her inside. When she opened them again they were gone. But before she could stand up a voice sounded far away.


"Nat, wake up."

"Nat!" She opened her eyes and saw one of the girls again. She jumped back in fear, not knowing who she was. The girl looked hurt for a second before raising her hands. "I-It's me Nat, Elena. You're at home, in your room, in Mystic Falls." She looked at the girl suspiciously. "I'm Elena, your sister." She looked at her for a second before something clicked in her mind. Elena. She looked at her and sighed, putting her hand on her forehead.

"I remember." Elena looked relieved and sat down in her bed.

"Did it happen again?" Nat just nodded, having no energy to tell her about the dream. Elena squeezed her shoulder reassuringly and looked at her. "It's gonna be fine, Nat. I promise I won't let anything happen to you." Nat just nodded and swallowed the lump on her throat.

"What happened? Why did you wake me up so early?"

"Oh, uh, Stefan asked if we could drop by the Boarding House, he said it was important." Nat's heart stopped for a moment, remembering all about Damon's words the night before. But she then remembered her decision regarding her feelings for him.

"Oh, okay. I'll get ready then. See you down in a few." Elena nods and leaves Nat's room. As soon as the door is closed Nat exhales loudly. She couldn't hold on. The dreams were getting really bad, and her memory was failing her. She wouldn't feel sorry for herself, not now, not ever. She would find a solution to this problem, she had to if she wanted to live in peace. She shook her head before going to her wardrobe. She found a white long sleeved beige top and paired it with black jeans and black ankle boots. After getting ready she grabbed her bag and left the room.

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