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"Hey, I got your text." Nat said as soon as she entered the library, but Damon wasn't there. Instead, Stefan was holding Connor's stake in his hand. He looked up and stared at her in confusion.

"What are you doing here?"

"Damon told me to get here as soon as I could." She explained as she walked over to him. There were a bunch of things laying on the couches and Nat glanced at them curiously.

"So, what is all this?" Stefan asked out loud as Damon entered the room with some boxes on his shoulder.

"Nat, you're here. Great." He said. "These are some personal items that I snaked from the vampire hunter's RV. May he rest in peace. I'm searching for a supernatural handbook." He told his brother as he placed the boxes on the table. Nat grabbed the stake from Stefan's hand and examined the peculiar mark engraved in it.

"And you know for a fact that he was supernatural?" Stefan asked Damon.

"Definitely wasn't natural." Nat commented as she started taking out things from the hunter's box with Damon.

"The guy magically appeared just as someone blows up the entire Founders Council. He's covered in a tattoo that only Jeremy Gilbert - of all people in the world- seems to be able to see." Damon said and Nat hit him in the shoulder when he spoke about his brother like that. "Klaus mentioned something about him being one of The Five. Then he kamikazes himself with explosives. Sound natural to you?"

"What's The Five?" Stefan asked confused and Nat shrugged.

"That's what I'm hoping is in the first chapter of the handbook." Damon's phone started ringing and he picked up. "Liz Forbes, my favorite sheriff." He said with a smile before his face turned into one of worry. "What? That's... concerning. Keep me posted." He said before hanging up. Stefan and Nat looked at him expectantly but he just kept looking inside the boxes.

"What? You're not gonna tell me?" Stefan asked in disbelief. Nat grabbed one of the guns inside and was about to put it on the table.

"Can't tell you. Private. We're in a fight." Damon reminded him as he took the gun from Nat.

"You're in a fight. I'm not in a fight, I'm over it, I've been over it."

"So you're not still mad at me about Elena?" Damon asked raising an eyebrow.

"You let her feed on you. I'm always gonna be mad at you, but we're not in a fight." Stefan made quotation marks with his fingers at the end and Nat stifled a laugh.

"Very well, then." Damon nodded and looked between Nat and Stefan. "They didn't find any remains at the explosion site."

"So Connor's still out there." Nat realized.

"Apparently so. I'm gonna need you two to get on this today. I have to take Elena to college." Damon said nonchalantly and Nat and Stefan looked at him surprised.

"I'm sorry, you have to do what, exactly?" Stefan asked loudly and Damon shrugged.

"I'm teaching her how to feed. She needs to learn snatch, eat, erase now more than ever." Stefan was about to say something but Damon raised his hands up in defense. "Ah, ah, we're not in a fight, remember?" He reminded him.

"Fine." Stefan said reluctantly.

"Great. Take care of my partner, will you?" Damon said before patting Nat's shoulder and leaving the room. Stefan looked at her puzzled and she tilted her head.


"Yeah, what's wrong with that?" She shrugged as she looked through the various things the hunter had.

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