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Nat opened her eyes slowly and felt herself being carried around. When she looked up she saw a man dressed in all black with a cap and sunglasses. She moaned in pain and started moving around, trying to get out of his arms, but he just tightened his hold on her. He took her towards a couch and laid her down, getting her out of the rope she was in. From the corner of her eye she saw another figure moving around on the couch. She squinted her eyes and noticed it was Elena. Thank God she was okay! Suddenly she felt the man getting closer to her sister.

"What do you want?" Nat asked, still weak from the hit she received earlier.

"Shh." He told her as he got closer to Elena.

"Please, I'm hurt." Elena whined, trying to get back.

"I know. Just a taste." He leaned down but just as he was about to bite her, another voice stops him.

"Trevor! Control yourself." Nat looks back and sees a tall woman with short hair glaring at him. He rolls his eyes and stands up.

"Buzzkill." He says before walking away. She stares at Elena in amazement.

"What do you want with me?" Elena asks.

"My God, you look just like her." The woman says, still surprised.

"But I'm not. Please, whatever you-" She's cut off by the woman's glare.

"Be quiet!" Elena stands up and walks closer to her slowly.

"But I'm not Katherine. My name is Elena Gilbert, you don't have to do this." Nat stands up slowly, still a bit weak, and walks closer to them.

"I know who you are, I said be quiet." Nat could see her patience was wearing thin.

"What do you want?" Elena asks again. Fed up with her, the woman slaps her hard, making her fall unconscious on the couch. Nat gasps and looks at her scared.

"I want you to be quiet." She turns to Nat and glares at her, a warning to be quiet. Nat takes a step back nervously and almost trips but composes herself quickly. The woman looks at her one last time before leaving the room. She exhales for the first time since waking up, before kneeling down carefully and checking that Elena was okay. She was unconscious, but Nat figured she'd wake up soon, so she took a seat on the other side of the couch.

She looked around the house and saw that it was old and looked abandoned, as if no one had lived there for years. The few items that were inside were broken and most of the windows had pieces of wood covering them. They didn't have daylight rings, she realized. She was inspecting the house when suddenly she felt a sharp pain on her head. She hissed in pain and touched the back of her head. She felt something wet and when she pulled her hand back she saw blood. Right, she was hit in the head with a rock when they were kidnapped. She wiped her hand on the couch and kept looking around, hoping to find something that would help them get out. She could hear the vampires' muffled voices from upstairs, but suddenly she heard a groan from beside her.

"Elena!" She whispered in relief. Her sister opened her eyes and sat up right, groaning again. She turned to Nat and relief washed over her, immediately hugging her.

"Where are they?" Elena asked looking around.

"Upstairs, I think." Elena looked to the stairs and nodded before turning to her sister. When she saw Nat she frowned.

"You're really pale. Are you okay?"

"Uh, yeah. I was hit with a rock and started bleeding a little." Elena widened her eyes, but before she could say anything Nat took her hand. "I'm fine, it's just a little blood. Let's see if we can somehow get out of here." She whispered the last part so the vampires wouldn't hear them. Elena and her stood up and started walking silently towards the stairs. As they were getting closer they heard their voices more clearly.

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