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Please read the A/N at the end!

"How much longer?" Nat asked Rebekah groggily as she woke up from her long nap. They had been driving all night, making a short stop on the middle of the road to get something to eat. After that, they kept going, not wanting to lose track of Damon and Elena.

"Not much, I'd say an hour at the most." Rebekah replied, hands on the steering wheel and eyes on the road. Nat nodded and looked out the window when something struck her mind.

"New York is a big city." The blonde looked at her and raised an eyebrow, not understanding where she was getting to. "How do we know where they're gonna be?"

"Damon had lots of things thrown around his room, amongst those, was this." Rebekah pulled something out of her pocket and handed them to Nat, who took it and looked down. The Original had given her three old polaroids and Nat raised the first one a little, spotting Damon laughing with some guy inside a bar.

"Is this-?"

"The vampire Niklaus bit and Damon killed?" Nat looked up at Rebekah and she nodded. "I'm assuming he knew something so Damon killed him to prevent us from learning it." Nat looked at the next picture and her eyes widened slightly when she noticed a familiar face. "Don't know who that is, must've been some chick he met in the 70s."

"This is Lexi." Nat told her. "She was Stefan's best friend, Damon killed her."

"Harsh." Nat nodded and looked at the last photo, which was of the vampire standing outside of a bar called Billy's. "I'm assuming that's where Damon's heading to."

"Are you sure?"

"It's our only lead." The blonde shrugged before smiling at Nat. "If it doesn't pan out, you can do a locator spell and we'll be good and ready."


They spent the rest of the ride in silence, the only sound coming from the music in the radio and the traffic outside. As they drove through the New York streets, Nat noticed the people outside just going on and minding their own business, not caring what others did. This was... perfect, really. A city where no one knew or cared about you? Paradise, she thought.

"We're here." Rebekah's voice snapped her out of her thoughts and Nat realized they were already outside the bar in the picture. The blonde parked the car and both girls got out. They walked to the entrance and Nat was about to open the door, but Rebekah stopped her. "Wait."


"Elena is inside and you haven't seen her since..." Nat nodded, knowing what she was talking about. "Are you sure you're ready to see her?"

"I'm gonna have to do it someday, might as well get it over with." She shrugged and Rebekah smiled at her.

"Just promise me you won't be nice to her."

"As if." Nat opened the door and walked inside the dimly lit bar, Rebekah right behind her. Suddenly, the blonde rushed towards Damon and slammed his head down onto the table while Nat quickly walked towards them.

"Following a lead without us? Poor form, Damon."

Nat looked up and her and Elena stared at each other. Nat frowned a little at her new haircut but quickly put on a neutral face, not wanting to show any emotion towards her. Elena stared at her for a second longer before turning to Rebekah confused.

"I have to say, I'm a little hurt, Damon." Rebekah released his head and Nat and her looked at him. "I thought we made a good team. Not without its fireworks, but what classic pairing isn't?"

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