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"You are killing me Lena." Nat panted as they ran through the neighborhood with Matt. They had woken up early in the morning and called Matt to go jogging with them, given that Ric had stayed over at Meredith's last night. Nat had stayed up much of last night thinking about Elijah and Klaus. She replayed hers and Elijah's conversation from the night before, and every time she did so, it hurt her. She also replayed hers and Klaus' kiss in her mind. They hadn't talked after what happened with Esther, so Nat was hoping she could see him today.

"What are we running, a marathon?" Matt asked Elena laughing.

"If you can't keep up." Elena retorted.

"Elena, you can't outrun your problems." He told her as he broke the run and started walking. Nat kept jogging while Elena ran fast. "Tough it looks like you're gonna try." He muttered. "I talked to Bonnie!" He yelled and both of them stopped and turned to face Matt.

"What did she say?" Elena asked as she walked towards their friend slowly.

"They're at her mom's house. Abby is gonna complete the transition." He informed them and Nat frowned.

"She decided to become a vampire?" She asked, her chest heaving up and down.

"Yeah. Caroline's gonna help her through it. Teach her to control it and stuff."

"Did Bonnie say.... is there anything we can do?" Elena asked timidly and Matt's eyes softened.

"She knows it's not your fault, Elena, she's just upset." He replied gently and Nat looked away.

"Damon turned her mom into a vampire to save my life. It's absolutely my fault." Her sister said matter of factly and Matt sighed as she turned around.

"You're gonna make me run more, aren't you?" Nat patted his shoulder and smiled at him amusedly. Suddenly, Elena's phone rang.

"Who is it?" Nat asked her as she picked up and placed the phone on her ear.

"Sheriff Forbes, is everything okay? He what?" She asked loudly and Nat furrowed her brows. "Okay, thank you, Sheriff." She hung up and turned to them. "Ric's been detained." She said and Nat's eyes widened in shock.

"What?!" Her sister nodded and gestured for her to follow.

"We're gonna go to the police station, Matt. You can go home." Elena assured him and he nodded.

"Let me know what happens." He told them before turning around and walking away. Nat looked at Elena and sighed before quickly walking to the police station. After a few minutes, they arrived and entered the place, seeing Damon walk up to them immediately.

"Were you just...?" Elena asked him and he nodded.

"Ric's fine. Sheriff wants me to stay out of it." He informed them and Nat frowned.

"But you're not going to, are you?"

"Seems justs as good a plan as any." He shrugged and Elena scoffed.

"Your friend's in jail for murder. You have to do something." She told him angrily and he rolled his eyes.

"Well, I guess I could rip out Dr. False Accusation's throat. Maybe her tongue. You know, I could chew it up into little tiny pieces and feed it to the squirrels." He then mimed chewing like a squirrel and Nat exhaled loudly.

"Stop it, Damon!" Elena snapped and he smirked at her.

"Guess me staying out of it suddenly sounds like a good idea, doesn't it?" He retorted and Elena crossed her arms. "I saved your life last night." He reminded her. "You're welcome."

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