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"Thanks for helping me do this this." Nat turned around and found Rebekah already staring at her with a small smile. She had moved out of Klaus' house after what he had done and was now moving into this house, so Nat was helping her decorate everything.

"Sure, Bekah." She replied. "Besides, you promised to help me too in exchange for help here." She pointed around the room and the blonde nodded.

"Right. You wanna start now?" Nat shook her head and grabbed some cushions from the side.

"No, no. Let's finish here." She said and her friend nodded as she put some clothes away in the closet. They moved some things around the room for a while in silence, each of them focused on their tasks.

"So, uh, have you talked to Niklaus?" She stiffened at the mention of the hybrid and looked at her friend. She was already staring at her with a curious expression on her face, making Nat sigh and shake her head.

"You mean after he called us worthless and proceeded to call me a traitor?" She asked sarcastically. "Nope. Not at all." She grabbed a box that was on the floor and took out the various makeup products inside it. "I don't want to talk to him, anyways."

"Talia..." Rebekah started. "You know he was angry, he lashed out. He didn't mean those words."

"Oh, he absolutely did, Bekah." Nat said as she sat on the bed.

"Well, can you blame him? You desiccated him." Rebekah said gently as she sat down next to her.

"Yeah, because he was about to kill my sister." Nat frowned. "You think I did it without feeling guilty? I felt like a part of me died when I stopped his heart. But it was necessary for Elena to live. He was never gonna stop hurting her or my other friends to get what he wants." She said quietly and Rebekah sighed before wrapping an arm around her shoulder.

"It's gonna pass, Talia. He'll come around soon enough." Nat placed her head against her shoulder and exhaled a big breath, hoping that she was right. Even though she was mad at Klaus right now, she didn't want to lose him completely.

"Thanks, Bekah."

"How is Elena adjusting?" Nat gave her a pointed look and the blonde sighed. "Fine, don't tell me." She mumbled and stood up. She walked over to a box and got out some candles. "So, what do you wanna do anyways?"

"Well." Nat stood up and walked towards Rebekah, grabbing some of the candles from her grasp and placing them on the floor. "It's about time I start practicing magic. I can't rely on others to save me anymore." She shrugged as Rebekah put the other remaining candles on the floor. "I'm gonna ask you a small favor." She said sheepishly.

"What is it?" The blonde sighed and placed her hands on her hips.

"I want to practice offensive spells." She said cautiously. "Nothing too bad, just some common ones." The Original stared at her hesitant before reluctantly nodding.

"Fine." Nat grinned broadly and clapped her hands together.

"Thank you!" She held her hands out and Rebekah took them. "If I hurt you too much, you tell me, okay?" Her friend nodded and Nat closed her eyes.

"Phasmatos incendia. " She muttered under her breath and the candles around them lit instantly.

"Why do all witches insist on lighting candles?" Rebekah asked curiously.

"Because our power comes from the Earth, we use candles to draw power from the fire. It's a very powerful tool, actually."

"Hm." Rebekah looked at her and nodded. "Okay, you can start." Nat nodded and took a deep breath. She let go of one of the blonde's hand and raised it so it was pointing at her head.

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