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"So, um, I don't know if you got my invitation for today." Nat said over the phone. She had sent Elijah and Klaus invitations to her graduation, given that she didn't really have anyone else to invite. When she had woken up this morning, Kol was nowhere to be found, which meant Bonnie had put the veil back up. "Anyways, today's the big day. I already have everything ready and Nik told me that he would arrange for my things to be taken to New Orleans. I have everything packed for my trip, including that very generous credit card." She smiled at that, remembering how Elijah had given her a credit card before he left for New Orleans. He told her to use it whenever she wanted it and to spend whatever amount she needed. "But yeah, I understand if you're busy out there, though. I love you."

She hung up and exhaled loudly, looking up at her wardrobe and seeing her clothes for later all ready. She was about to get some things from the bathroom when the doorbell rang. Nat frowned at that, not expecting anyone, but still went down. She passed through the moving boxes by the parlor and opened the front door, her eyes widening at the sight of Ric standing there.


"Hey." He smiled at her and she looked at him with a mixture of joy and confusion.

"Not that I'm not glad to see you here, but I... I thought Bonnie had put the veil back up."

"There were some complications." She tilted her head and he sighed. "It's going back up at night." Nat nodded and smiled at him, glad to at least have him a bit longer. "Which is why..." He stepped aside and suddenly, her brother stood there with a wide grin on his lips.

"Jeremy?!" Her eyes opened wide and she immediately ran to him, throwing her arms around his neck as he wrapped his around her waist. They hugged each other tightly, Nat basking in the feeling of having her brother back, even if it was for a few hours. "Oh my God!" She pulled back and cupped his face, tears gathering in her eyes. "You're here."

"I am." He smiled and grabbed her hands. "And before Ric and I leave, we want to ask you something."

"Anything." She said quickly with a broad smile.

"I know you're not really on good terms with Elena." Her face fell at his words and she looked away. "But, before we leave, can you just give us this?"

"One last meal." Ric said from behind and she turned to him hesitant. "We'll have some burgers like a typical atypical family." Her lips curved up inadvertently at his words and she reluctantly nodded.

"Fine." She agreed with a sigh. "Let me just get changed and we can go. You two can come in and wait in the parlor." They nodded and she led them inside. "I'm sorry about the mess." She chuckled as she moved some boxes and gestured for them to sit on the couch. "I'll be right back."

Nat went upstairs and headed to her room, closing the door as soon as she was inside. She grabbed one of the last articles of clothing she had left in her wardrobe and changed out of her pajamas. After she was done there, she brushed her teeth and combed her hair, grabbing her purse on her way out.

"I'm done." She said out loud as she got to the parlor.

"So you really are leaving Mystic Falls?" Ric asked her and she shrugged lightly.

"There's nothing here for me, Ric."

"But there is in New Orleans?" Jeremy asked her and she turned to her brother. "With Elijah and Klaus."

"Jer..." She sighed and looked between them. "I'm not lost, okay? I want this, and frankly, I need this." Alaric and Jeremy exchanged glances before looking back at her. "Now, you promised me burgers." They smiled at her and nodded.

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