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"Sister, are you okay?"

Iliana turned to Tatia and furrowed her brows in confusion. They were in the kitchen preparing supper for later. Their father was out with the men of the village and their mother was with the women preparing everything for the coming full moon.

"Of course. Why do you ask?" She asked and her sister looked away biting her lip. She was sitting on a chair with her son on her arms. She had given birth a few months ago and her body was still a little sore, so Iliana decided to prepare the food and let her relax.

"Well, you and Elijah are no longer together, so..." Tatia trailed off and Iliana took a deep breath. Elijah had broken things off with her about two weeks ago with no explanation whatsoever. She had cried herself to sleep every night, not handling the pain well. Elijah was, after all, her first love. Their bond had been so strong, she had even been foolish enough to think that he would be the only man she would ever love.

"I'm fine, Tatia. You have nothing to worry about." She tried to reassure her and kept cooking.

"I just..." Her sister paused for a second. "I hear you, sister." Iliana stiffened but didn't look back. "I hear you every night crying." She didn't think Tatia would be able to hear her. She had been exhausted every night thanks to the little boy asleep on her arms, so Iliana assumed it was safe to make a little noise. But she had been wrong. "I want you to know that you can trust me, Iliana. I am your sister and I will always be here for you, for anything you need." She nodded and a smile curved on her lips at her sister's words.

"Thank you, Tatia. Really." She turned around and smiled at her sister before looking at her nephew turning in his mother's arms. "I think little Borg is about to wake up. Why don't you walk around the village for a while? I'll finish supper." Tatia looked at her hesitantly, not wanting to leave her alone, but at Iliana's reassuring stare, she stood up and left her alone. Iliana watched her leave and shook her head, turning back to the task at hand.

Nat heard voices in the kitchen, making her grumble at them disturbing her sleep. After a few minutes of her trying to go back to sleep she finally relented and sat up on her bed. She stared blankly ahead and thought about her dream. This one had Tatia and her nephew, Borg, in it. They were talking about Elijah, but it didn't seem like he and her sister were together at that time. Hm, so maybe they got together months later and she had already been over him? Who knows, she thought, and shook her head.

She stood up and went to the bathroom, remembering that today was that Lockwood party. She didn't really feel like going, but she was trying to support Elena through the whole thing regarding Stefan. Elena wanted to get her mind off of him, so she suggested they go to the stupid party. Why did she agree to that, Nat thought. She went to her closet and decided she might as well look good if she was going to this thing. She picked a black tank top, a denim high waisted skirt and a pair of black slip on vans. After changing out of her pajamas, she grabbed a pair of sunglasses and a bandana, tying it around her neck. Nat went down the stairs and heard Damon's voice in the kitchen.

"I just don't know why you want to bring chili to a potluck. Everybody brings chili." He paused and looked at her. "Hey, Nat." She waved and leaned on the counter, looking at Elena and Damon cooking. They looked... cozy. "Hey, Ric." She turned back and saw him enter the kitchen, so she smiled at him and waved.

"What's up?"

"What time do you want to go to the Lockwood party?" Elena asks him and he wrinkles his nose in disgust.

"Ah. Those founders parties aren't really my thing."

"Show up, there's going to be nine other people that brought chili." Damon told him sarcastically and Elena rolled her eyes.

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