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"You're done? I'm only on my second batch." Nat heard Caroline say as she approached her and Elena outside of the Grill.

"We have family friends in Denver. Other than that, no one cares that I'm graduating and, to be honest, neither do I." Elena said dryly. Nat walked up to them and plopped down on the remaining chair, both vampires turning to her.

"How sad." Nat looked at Elena, who just stared at her blankly. "I have only two letters, and I would have a third, but... you know, you killed my best friend." Elena sighed and looked down at her hands.

"I get it. You only wanted me to get my emotions back so you could make me feel terrible. Well, it's not gonna work, because all I'm feeling right now is rage."

"I heard." Nat said airily as she looked at Caroline's letters. "Which puts a damp on my plans. So I'm really gonna need you to feel something before I leave. Other than rage, of course."

"I can't, okay? I don't care about these stupid letters or graduating." Elena muttered angrily.

"I know that's how you feel now, but once you get through this hating Katherine phase-" Caroline started saying and Elena's eyes opened wide.

"Wait, do you know where Katherine is?"

"No. Why would I know where she is?" Caroline replied confused.

"Yeah, but, Caroline, if you did, you would tell me, right?"

"Elena, you're obsessing." Caroline sighed and Nat nodded. Suddenly, Elena grabbed the vampire's hand with ferocity.

"Caroline, listen to me, if you know where Katherine is then you have to tell me." The blonde frowned and pulled her hand away.

"I don't, Elena." She looked around and then back at Elena. "Chill." Elena sighed before turning to Nat suspiciously.

"Do you know where she is?" Nat raised an eyebrow and shook her head. "Of course you wouldn't tell me. Even after everything she's done, you protect her." The vampire scoffed angrily.

"I don't know where she is. Frankly, I don't care. And if I did know, I would definitely tell you. It would be pretty entertaining watching you two tear each other apart." She got up and looked down at them. "Have fun with your letters."

She walked to the front door and entered the Grill. She looked around and found Rebekah sitting in the bar talking to Matt. She started to head their way, but Luke suddenly appeared in front of her.

"Hey." She smiled at him and he gestured for her to sit on the table with him. "Keep me company?"

"Sure." They sat down and Nat grabbed the menu. "Where's Lucy?"

"She's helping her mom with some things, but she'll be here soon." Nat nodded and kept reading the menu. "You look great, Nat." She looked up and raised an eyebrow at his words. "I mean, you look happy."

"I am." She gave him a toothy grin and then looked down at the table. "I really am happy."

"So, what's your plan after graduation?" He asked curiously.

"Well, I'm travelling around the world to learn more about my-" She cut herself off when she realized she almost slipped up and said powers. "To learn about different cultures." He nodded and she smiled. "And then I'm moving to New Orleans."

"What about college?"

"Not my thing." He tilted his head and looked at her intrigued.

"So why New Orleans?"

"Do you remember Nik and Elijah?" He nodded. "Nik is having a kid and Elijah is moving there to-"

"Wait, hold on." He raised his hand and looked at her puzzled. "Your ex is having a child?" Nat nodded and he only frowned. "And you have no problem with that?"

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