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"My brother fancies you, you know?" Iliana turned to the girl besides her and gave her a half smile. "I know you are still sad over Elijah, but Nik..." She trails off and smiles gently at her.

"I have noticed, Bekah. I just don't know if I am ready at the moment." She sighed and stared blankly ahead. It had been a few months since Elijah had broken her heart. What hurt her more was the fact that he didn't give her any explanation, only told her that he couldn't do this anymore.

"Well, if you ever feel ready, Nik is right there. He's been in love with you since the moment he saw you." She chuckled and Iliana turned to her confused.

"He has? I... I thought he only started fancying me a few months ago." She said staring at Bekah.

"He only has eyes for you, my dear Iliana." A voice came from beside her and she felt someone sitting next to her. When she turned to that direction, she saw Bekah's brother.

"It's rude to eavesdrop, Kol." She narrowed her eyes.

"I was hoping we could practice some magic." He shrugged.

"You're gonna have to wait. She was with me first." Bekah snapped at his brother.

"You have spent too much time with her, sister. It is my turn!" He exclaimed and Iliana opened her mouth to tell them she could spend time with both. She quite enjoyed the time with both siblings, but they tended to be very territorial with her, not wanting the other to spend time with her.


"Kol, leave us alone!"

"Shut up, Bekah!"

They kept bickering, annoying Iliana. She stood up and dusted herself, both siblings looking up at her in confusion.

"Where are you going?" Kol asked her.

"You two are insufferable right now. I will find someone else to be with. Maybe Henrik wants to play." She shrugged and walked away, Bekah and Kol standing up quickly and following her, trying to get her to come back. But soon, their voices faded away...

Nat opened her eyes and abruptly sat up, looking around the room, recognizing everything. She sighed in relief when she realized she hadn't had a memory lapse. She had been taking Jonas' herbs all week, but she still couldn't help but associate the dreams with the lapses. This had been the first dream she had since the decade dance a few months ago and it made her heart beat loudly in her chest. Even though this particular dream wasn't scary, she was afraid that the coming ones would be.

Although she did wonder about the two people from this dream. Bekah and Kol, that's what she called them, and if she was right, then they were Klaus and Elijah's siblings. She turned to the clock on her nightstand and saw it was 6:10 AM. She sighed loudly and was about to lay down again when her door opened, Damon coming through it.

"You're awake. Good." He said walking to the window and opening the curtains. She squinted and put a hand over her eyes.

"What the hell, Damon." She groaned. He turned around and went to her wardrobe, opening the doors and going through her clothes.

"Start packing, we're going to Chicago." He took out a black bra and held it up nodding.

"What? Why?" She stood up and walked over to him, taking the bra from his hands. "Don't touch my stuff." She warned.

"We're gonna get Stefan." He said and leaned on her wardrobe door. She turned to him confused and he sighed. "You may get to see your hybrid lover."

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