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Her phone ringing on the nightstand woke Nat up. She groaned loudly and her eyes fluttered open, slowly taking in the light. As soon as she did, the headache started, but her phone never stopped ringing. She grumbled and grabbed it quickly from the nightstand.

"What?" She muttered as she picked up.

"Rise and shine, sweetheart." Klaus' voice came through the phone and she grumbled.

"What do you want at..." She turned to the side and looked at the clock. "6 in the morning. Are you kidding me?"

"Oh, well, I just thought after your wild night out..." He trailed off, amusement clear in his tone. Her eyes widened slightly and she sat up on her bed.

"Kol told you." She realized and he laughed.

"Very interesting turn of events." He told her and she sighed, standing up and yawning as she walked to the bathroom.

"Where are you?" She asked him, trying to change the subject.

"Home. I got late last night after my little run in with your brother."

"What happened with Jeremy?" She asked curiously.

"He hasn't killed a single vampire, so I sped up the process a little." He said nonchalantly, making Nat frown at his words.

"What do you mean 'speed up the process'?"

"I turned an entire bar full of people into vampires and compelled them to go after that bus boy." Nat's eyes opened wide and her lips parted. "You should have seen the boy, he was terrified."

"Niklaus!" She said sternly. "What the hell? You can't just do that!"

"Sure I can, love. And I did."

"Jeremy hasn't trained much, he won't be able to kill all those vampires. Oh my God." She whispered the last part, her heart beating loudly out of her chest at the possibility of Jeremy dying at the hands of some random vampire.

"Calm down, he'll be alright." He tried to reassure her, but she shook her head frantically.

"I'll call you later." She hung up and went to Elena's room, but didn't find her there. Her brows furrowed in confusion and she called her.

"Hey." Elena's voice came through the phone and Nat walked back to her room.

"Where are you?"

"Coming home with Matt." Nat sighed in relief and went to her bathroom. "We were at the lake house but-"

"Klaus compelled an entire bar of vampires to kill Matt. Yeah, he just told me." Nat finished. "Where is Jeremy?"

"He stayed behind with Damon. They're going to kill the vampires and then come home." Nat frowned at those words. "They'll be alright, Nat."

"Fine, just get here quickly."

"Bye." Elena hung up and Nat sighed loudly before undressing quickly and hopping in the shower. Hot water fell on her back and she closed her eyes, trying to relax a little, but she couldn't. Her brother was out there hunting a dozen vampires and Matt had probably been hurt. God, what a mess, she thought. Everything because of that stupid cure. She shook her head and continued showering, hoping that this would all be over soon.

After some time, she got out of the shower and got dressed after. She then went downstairs to get something to eat and get some aspirin for her headache. As soon as she got to the kitchen, she filled a glass with water and opened one of the cupboards, taking the aspirin and downing it quickly. At that moment, the front door opened and Nat immediately walked over, seeing Elena entering with Matt.

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