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Nat felt the sun hitting her and she scrunched her face before turning in her bed. After trying to fall asleep again for a while, she finally gave up and sat up grumbling. She rubbed her eyes and yawned before standing up and going to her wardrobe. She found a purple striped henley, a pair of black jeans and her black converse. She laid the clothes on the bed and stripped off her pajamas before getting in the shower. After a quick shower, she got dressed and brushed her teeth before going downstairs. As she neared the kitchen, Nat heard two voices talking.

"Coffee?" She recognized John's voice and rolled her eyes.

"We're not doing that. We did that last night. No more avoiding. Why are you here?" Nat entered the kitchen and John looked at her, nodding before turning to Elena again.

"I'm here to protect you. That's all I can say for the moment." What a dick, she thought.

"What do you mean that's all you can say?" Elena scoffed at him.

"I'll tell you more when I'm convinced I can trust you." Elena and Nat looked at each other, similar frowns on their faces. Before they could talk some more, Jenna and Alaric enter the kitchen.

"Oh God, I'm late." Jenna chuckles before looking up and seeing John. Immediately her face fell.

"That's what you get for hitting snooze three times!" Alaric exclaimed before looking up too and seeing John.

"What the hell?" Jenna asks while looking at John in disdain.

"Good morning to you, Jenna." He nods at her before turning to Ric. "Alaric..."

"It's okay I'm confused, right?" Jenna said looking between Nat and Elena. "Because we were not expecting you, like, ever."

"Well, I got in late last night." He shrugged. "Elena let me in."

"You know, I'm uh, probably just gonna take off." Ric said awkwardly, looking between Nat and Elena.

"I'm still confused here." Jenna snapped.

"I decided to come back and stay for a while." John told her.

"Not here, you're not."

"Actually, you can't stop me from living here." He said smugly.

"Actually I can, as legal guardian." Jenna said matter of factly.

"Yeah, about that..." John looked between the twins before turning to Jenna. "Um, Elena, Nat, you want me to explain the situation, or would one of you like to do the honors?" Nat glared at him.

"Okay, what's going on?"

"I'm sorry, Jenna. We should have told you earlier, but-" Nat starts but is interrupted by John.

"I'm the girls' biological father. There, now you know." With that, he walks away, leaving Jenna speechless and Nat and Elena shocked at his bluntness.

"What?!" Their aunt asks once John is gone. The girls look at each other and Nat sighs.

"We're sorry Jenna, it just-"

"We didn't know how to tell you." Elena interrupts her and Nat nods at her words. Jenna looks shocked still and she exhales.

"You know how much he enjoys getting on my nerves." She said.

"Yeah, he's a dick." Nat muttered.

"Look, it's pretty weird that he's your biological father, but what can we do about it? I just wish you guys had told me sooner." She shrugged.

"We're really sorry, Jenna." Elena said before both girls hugged her.

"It's okay." She said patting their backs. "I'm gonna meet Ric at the Grill, bye girls." She clearly wasn't okay, but they figured they better left her alone for a while so she could process it all. They waved at her and she left the house. Nat went to the fridge and took out the bread to make some toast.

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