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"We're finally together." Nat said, a wide smile tugging on her lips as she looked around the table. Next to her was Elijah, looking at her tenderly. In front of her were Rebekah and Kol and Klaus was in the head seat. "I'm so happy to be here with you, guys."

"As are we, Natalia." Klaus replied and raised his cup of wine. "To a long and happy life together."


They all raised their cups and clinked them together. Suddenly, Kol gasped loudly, startling Nat. Behind him stood Elena holding the white oak stake, which was now buried inside Kol's body.

"No!" She screamed and threw her chair back. Elena ripped the stake out of Kol's body and it started to burn.

"Who should I kill next? Maybe Rebekah." Her sister said before her eyes landed on the blonde Original.

"No!" Nat was about to run to her friend, but her arms were suddenly held back. She turned her head to the side and found Jeremy looking at Elena emotionlessly.

"Do it quickly." He told her and Elena nodded. Nat started thrashing in his arms as tears started falling down her face.

"Stop! Bekah, do something!" She yelled at the blonde, but the Original stayed rooted in place. Nat turned to Klaus and saw his blank expression. She then turned to Elijah and saw him staring at his sister unblinkingly. "Do something! Please!" She cried out.

Elena raised the stake and plunged into Rebekah's heart. Nat screamed again and headbutted her brother, startling him and throwing him back. She kicked him in the face hard and tried to run to Elena, who was now grabbing the stake from Rebekah's burnt body.

"Not so fast." Damon appeared in front of her, a smirk tugging on his lips. She turned to the side but found Stefan standing there.

"You're not going to stop us." He told her and grabbed a knife from the table, stabbing her in the stomach after. She gasped loudly and quickly placed her hand on the open wound before looking up at her sister, who was now walking towards Klaus. She shut her eyes in pain and breathed heavily.

Suddenly, she felt a hand on her hair, making her open her eyes. She looked behind her and found Klaus looking at her softly, alive and well. She looked around and noticed that they were standing in the field in the old village.

"It's okay. It was only a bad dream, but it's over now. We are not going anywhere." He assured her and she nodded. "Now come on, lay down here and close your eyes." She easily complied and soon, they were laying on the grass, Nat with her eyes closed and her heart now beating steadily.

"Don't leave me, Nik." She said softly.

"Never." He replied and a small smile made its way onto her lips.

Nat's eyes fluttered open as sunlight filtered through the windows. She groggily got up and found Klaus standing with his back turned to her. She walked slowly towards him and found him staring at Kol's burnt body, clearly upset.

"Hey." She mumbled and he glanced at her.

"How did you sleep?"

"Awful." She replied. "Kept having nightmares of all of you dying in front of me." She folded her arms on her chest and looked away.

"I know. I heard you whimpering, so I tried to take you away from the nightmare." He replied and she looked at him thankfully.

"Thanks." He nodded and they both stared at Kol's body. Suddenly, the front door opened and footsteps approached them.

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