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"New Orleans? What the hell is Klaus doing there?" Rebekah asked Elijah in disbelief. It had been two days since Prom and Klaus had left Mystic Falls without saying anything to Nat.

"Evidently there are witches conspiring against him. So, knowing our brother, this was a mission to silence and slaughter." Nat rolled her eyes at his words and looked at Rebekah.

"Well, the French Quarter witches are not a lot to be trifled with. You don't suppose they've found a way to kill him once and for all, do you?" With a smile, the Original took a sip of her drink.

"Rebekah, in the name of our family, you might try to dial down your glee."

"What family? We're three distrustful acquaintances who happen to share a bloodline. I, for one, hope they've found a way to make that traitorous bastard rot."

"Rebekah!" Nat exclaimed with a frown, but the Original only shrugged carelessly. Elijah sighed and stood up right, walking to the front door.

"Where are you going?" Rebekah asked him loudly.

"To find out who's making a move against our brother. And then I'll either stop them... or I'll help them, depending on my mood." Nat and Rebekah exchanged glances as he opened the door and Nat grabbed her jacket and purse.

"I'm coming." He looked at her pointedly but she shook her head. "Not up for discussion."

She walked past him and stepped outside the house, heading directly to the car. She heard footsteps behind her and then Elijah unlocking the car. They got in soundlessly and drove away from Rebekah's house.

"You should've stayed with Rebekah." He told her quietly after a moment.

"And miss out on all the fun?" She smiled at him and he glanced at her from the corner of his eye. "Besides, I didn't get to appreciate New Orleans the last time I was there." She shrugged and Elijah turned to her confused.

"You've been to New Orleans?"

"Mhm. I went with Damon and Stefan a while ago, we were trying to find out how to break the sire bond." He nodded and then turned back to the road.

"Did you like it?"

"What I got to see was amazing." She shrugged and then they remained silent. After a moment, she looked at him. "So, who is this witch that's conspiring against Nik?"

"Some woman named Jane-Anne Deveraux." Her eyes widened slightly and her lips parted slightly.

"I know her." He raised an eyebrow and Nat shook her head. "I mean, she was a bartender at this bar I went to. We only talked for a moment before she got back to her duties. After that, I just left. But she knew I was a witch."

"Interesting." He murmured. "Let's just hope Niklaus hasn't killed half the French Quarter before we find her."


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