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"Sweetheart." A voice sounded next to her and she pressed her face into her pillow, trying to block it out. "Come on, Natalia."

"Leave me alone." She grumbled softly and Klaus laughed.

"We have some work to do. Wake up." He told her and her eyes fluttered open.

"I hate you." She mumbled sleepily as he got up from the bed. She yawned and looked up at him. "What do we-?"

"I'll explain in the car. Now get dressed, I left some clothes there." He pointed at a chair by the wall and Nat's eyes trailed to it, spotting a pile of clothes neatly folded. Her eyes narrowed before she shook her head.

"You know what? I don't even want to know how you got that."

"They are Rebekah's clothes. She left some things here when she left." He explained and Nat rolled her eyes. "I'll wait in the car." She nodded and he left the room. She quickly got up and went to the bathroom, already finding a toothbrush, a hairbrush and a variety of hair and skin products. She looked at them impressed before getting on with the task at hand.

Once she finished in the bathroom, she walked over to the chair and changed into Rebekah's clothes. She was about to grab her clothes from yesterday, but decided to leave them here. Something told her that she would be crashing here more times in the future. Nat quickly left the room and walked outside the house, finding Klaus sitting in the car waiting for her.

"So, why did you drag me out of bed so early in the morning?" She asked him as soon as they drove away from his house.

"Kol is not gonna stop this madness." He glanced at her from the corner of his eye and Nat nodded. "I want to dagger him so Damon's compulsion wears off and we can successfully complete young Jeremy's mark."

"Nik..." She exhaled loudly. "How long will you keep him there this time? Days? Months? Years? Centuries?"

"Don't be dramatic. I'll let you pull the dagger out as soon as we find the cure, okay?" He said as he rolled his eyes.

"You promise?" Nat asked him and he looked at her, nodding after. "So, are you gonna do it now?"

"I would, but he stole all the daggers."

"Huh, wonder why that could be." She said sarcastically and Klaus shook his head.

"Anyways, my dear sister has hers. So we're gonna go get that and then be on our merry way to dagger Kol." He explained and Nat nodded. She looked outside and noticed that they were already pulling outside Rebekah's house. Once he parked the car, both of them got out and Klaus opened the front door.

"Rude." Nat mumbled as they walked upstairs and headed to her room. Suddenly, her bedroom door opened and Stefan looked at them surprised.

"Leaving so soon?" Klaus asked him and he sighed. Nat looked at him in shock for a moment and then stifled a laugh. A rebound, how predictable.

"This is my place, Nik." Rebekah said from behind them as she angrily put her robe on. "And I don't appreciate either of you invading my privacy like some kind of creeping Tom." She told Klaus and Nat.

"Well, I apologize for breaking up this sordid little tryst, but we do have some urgent business. Or have you forgotten our paranoid brother Kol is running around with the white oak stake and homicide on the brain?" Klaus reminded her as he and Nat entered the room.

"He tried to kill me last night." She told him. "I didn't forget."

"Yes, well, unfortunately he seems to have absconded with my set of daggers."

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