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The light shone through the room, waking Nat from her deep sleep. She turned in her bed and opened her eyes slowly. She grabbed her phone from the nightstand and saw two texts, one from Elena and the other from Caroline. She opened Elena's first.

Elena: Went to the Boarding House to see Stefan, didn't wanna wake you ;)

She closed it and opened Caroline's.

Caroline: Don't forget the Barbecue today!

She grumbled softly at Caroline's message before texting back telling her she would be there soon. Nat quickly stood up and went towards her wardrobe, finding something for the day ahead. She picked a black striped knit sweater, a pair of blue jeans and her black converse. After getting dressed she went to the bathroom and brushed her teeth and hair. As she was about to leave she spotted the ring Katherine had given her days before. After looking at it uneasily, she took it and put it on. Screw it, she thought. Yeah, Katherine had done some horrible things, but with new threats arising, Nat figured she at least needed to be protected from vampires. She went down the stairs and found Jeremy drinking coffee in the kitchen.

"Morning." He looked up and nodded at her. "Mind giving me a ride to school?"

"Are you helping out at the Barbecue thing?" He asked.

"Yeah, I promised Caroline."

"Give me a minute, I'll brush my teeth quickly." She nodded and leaned on the counter. Thinking about last night, her mouth curved into a smile. Although learning about the curse had freaked her out, knowing Elijah would help her calmed her down. A lot. She hoped they could find a way to break the curse and if not, then Elijah's temporary solution would have to do. She didn't even notice the big grin she got on her face when she thought about Elijah.

"What's got you smiling?" Jeremy's voice snapped her out of her thoughts. She turned to him and walked to the front door quickly.

"N-nothing. Let's go."

They got in the car and drove off to the school. After a few minutes they arrived, Nat getting out and bidding him goodbye. She looked around and saw Caroline walking towards the school.

"Care!" The blonde turned to her and waved at her, stopping so Nat could catch up to her.

"Hey, Nat." The human finally stood in front of her and smiled at her friend. "Wow, you look... great."

"Uh, thanks?"

"I mean, you look like you finally slept." She said chuckling.

"That's because I did." Nat laughed. "Bonnie gave me some herbs that gave me a dreamless sleep. Besides, Elijah will give me other herbs to-" She immediately cut herself off, remembering she hadn't really told Caroline about the curse or Elijah. Well, she hadn't really told anyone about the night before.

"Wait, Elijah? Isn't that the guy that was working for Klaus?" She said loudly. Nat widened her eyes and shushed her.

"First of all, he is not working for Klaus."

"Okay, but wasn't he like, evil?" She asked, quietly this time.

"No!" Nat exclaimed. "I mean, no." She composed herself quickly. "Elena made a deal with him to protect everyone. He doesn't want to help Klaus, he wants to kill him."


"I know." They started walking before Caroline turned to her again.

"So, how does he fit in your weird dreams?" Nat sighed, knowing this was inevitable.

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