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"As a long-time member of the Historical Society, I am especially proud to be kicking off this day of festivities." Carol Lockwood's voice sounded through the speakers in the Town Square. "Thank you, volunteers. Tonight, we turn off our town's lights and flare up our lanterns in honor of the night of illumination started by our founders 150 years ago. Here's founding family member Tobias Fell with a history lesson." Nat joined on the applauses, Ric and Jeremy next to her. Elena had picked up some stuff from the Boarding House and would meet them soon enough.

"What are we doing here?" Nat asked Ric as Tobias Fell started talking.

"Tobias Fell is the head of the History Department. I didn't have a choice." He told them.

"All right, that explains what you're doing here." Jeremy said and Nat nodded, crossing her arms.

"Well, I'm the one who can fail you if you don't help me out." Alaric told them and both siblings exchanged glances before shaking their heads. When Nat turned to the stage again, she noticed Elena walking over to them.

"Hey, sorry I'm late. What did I miss?" She said, standing in front of them.

"You didn't miss anything." Nat tells her and they look towards Tobias, listening to what he's saying.

"The first illumination was held in celebration with the newfound prosperity that Mystic Falls enjoyed after the war." The man said before Jeremy laughed, Nat and Elena turning to him confused.

"What's so funny?" Elena asks and he shakes his head before looking at the stage.

"The founders, they placed lanterns over the doors to indicate that it was safe for their neighbors to come outside again." Tobias continued his speech and Nat sighed, already tired of this. "That night was an opportunity for the community of Mystic Falls to come together, a chance to strengthen ties with neighbors, business owners, and the..." He kept talking about the origins of the Night of Illumination for some time before Carol got on the stage again.

"Thank you, Tobias, for that wonderful explanation." She said, smiling politely at him as he got down from the stage. "We will see you all tonight to honor our dear founders." Everyone clapped once again and started dispersing. Nat turned to Ric, Jeremy and Elena and pointed at the Grill.

"Anyone hungry?" They nodded and walked there, picking a table outside. Once they sat, a waiter came and they ordered quickly, already knowing what they wanted. After he left, Elena got some journals out of her bag and put them on the table.

"Hey, Jer, I need you to help me with something." She said as she opened the first one.

"What's up?" He asked.

"I've been going through Stefan's old journals. Every single time that he's gone off the rails in the past, his best friend Lexi's been the one to bring him back." She explained and Jeremy nodded in understanding.

"So where is she now that we need her?" Ric asked.

"She's dead." Nat said. Jeremy then looked at Elena and narrowed his eyes slightly at her. Before anyone could say anything, the waiter came back with their food. They thanked him and started eating.

"And you want me to try to reach her, don't you?" Jeremy asked after a few minutes.

"I thought if I knew how she did it, maybe I could help him." She shrugged and Jeremy shook his head slightly.

"I don't even know if she's on the other side."

"Is that what it's called?" Nat asked curiously.

"That's what Anna calls it. There's not like an official brochure or anything."

"So what is it, like some sort of supernatural purgatory?" Ric asked confused.

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