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Nat was wide awake and staring at the now bright room. She hadn't been able to sleep much after last night. She slept soundly for a few hours before a dream made its way into her mind. Well, it wasn't much of a dream really, it was just different moments of her previous lives. Suddenly her eyes widened and she sat up quickly, grabbing her phone from her nightstand and dialing the number immediately.


"I remember."

"What?" Katherine asked in disbelief and Nat smiled. "Are you....? Did you have more dreams?"

"Esther broke the curse." She told her and Katherine gasped. "She said she regretted everything and she broke it. I remember everything now, Katerina."

"Emiliya..." Her sister said and Nat could picture her shocked and happy face. " I have missed you, sister. " Katherine told her, switching to their native language.

"I'm right here. And I'm not going anywhere." Nat assured her and her sister laughed.

"One of these days you'll have to visit me." She told her and Nat nodded.

"Of course. Maybe we can visit Bulgaria." She said and her sister chuckled.

"Mm, maybe." She hummed. "How did Klaus and Elijah react?" She asked curiously and Nat inhaled deeply. "Uh oh, going by your reaction I'd say it wasn't good?"

"I reacted badly." She said quietly. "Did you know that Elijah never fell in love with Tatia? He only broke my heart because Niklaus had feelings for me." She explained and shook her head. "And he lied to Nik for a thousand years. Very noble of him." She scoffed.

"Ouch. Well, right now is no time for you to sulk. You need to enjoy your newfound freedom." Katherine suggested and Nat thought about it. She was right. Nat couldn't sit around and cry about Elijah.

"You're right." She stood up and went to her wardrobe. "I'll go out today, treat myself." She told her sister.

"That's the spirit." Nat could picture Katherine smirking at her and grinned at the thought.

"I'll call you later. Bye, Kat."

"Bye, Nat." She hung up and threw her phone on the bed, turning back to her wardrobe and finding something for the day. She found a black sweatshirt and paired with black jeans and a grey jacket. She grabbed a pair of blank ankle boots and changed quickly. After that, she went to the bathroom and brushed her hair and teeth. She looked at her makeup and was about to grab the nude lipstick but decided to be bolder today and put on the dark brown one. She looked in the mirror one last time and smiled at her appearance.

She stepped outside of her room and went downstairs, phone and key in hand. At the same time, the front door opened and Bonnie, Caroline and Elena entered the house. Nat smiled at them and waved.

"Hey." She greeted and they smiled back.

"Where are you going?" Elena asked confused.

"To the Grill." She shrugged. "What are you guys doing here?"

"We were gonna tell Bonnie about the Ball." Caroline said and Nat nodded. "How are you...?" She trailed off and Nat looked at their worried expressions.

"Guys, I'm fine." Nat assured them. "I have my memories back, now I just need to sort them out." They looked at her uneasily and she looked at them pointedly. "I'll be okay." Bonnie nodded and smiled at her.

"Well, all that matters is that you're good. Alive and healthy." She said before patting her on the shoulder lightly but suddenly flinched back. They looked at her worriedly and confused.

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