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"Natalia." She looked up from her book and found Klaus entering the parlor, Hayley right behind him. "We have a guest."

"Hayley." Nat said in acknowledgement, her lips pursed at the sight of the werewolf.

"Hi." Hayley said, clearly feeling awkward by Nat's presence. Well, she couldn't blame her, after all, their only two encounters had been very... tense.

"What's this about?" Nat asked Klaus curiously as he walked to the drinks table and poured himself one.

"She has information on Katerina and I need it." He shrugged and Nat nodded.


"Well, why don't you show her to one of the rooms?" Klaus told Nat, making her frown at him.

"Why don't you do it?"

"I have other business to attend to." He told her nonchalantly before disappearing into the house. Nat sighed and got up from the couch, walking towards the staircase. When she didn't hear Hayley follow her, she rolled her eyes.

"Well, come on."

Soon enough, Hayley and her walked upstairs and through the hallway until they arrived at the room in front of Nat's. She opened the door and gestured for the werewolf to go inside. The room used to be Rebekah's, so many of her things were still there, like clothes and makeup.

"My room is right across the hall, if you need anything, just... knock or something." Nat muttered and started walking towards the door, but Hayley's voice stopped her.

"I'm sorry." Nat turned around and looked at her confused. "About your brother." Nat looked down and took a deep breath.

"Thanks." She mumbled quietly.

"I'm also sorry for being a bitch to you." At that, her head snapped up and she narrowed her eyes at Hayley.

"Are you just saying that because Klaus is taking you in or do you really mean it?" Hayley laughed and sat on the bed.

"I really mean it. I was totally out of line the first time we met." Nat nodded and smiled shyly. "You also seem really nice and... I don't know, cool?" She laughed at the werewolf's words and looked at her amused.

"Thanks, Hayley. And for the record, you seem really cool to. Very... spunky and feisty." They smiled at each other one last time before Nat looked at the wardrobe. "Oh, there must be some clothes there, this used to Bekah's room, so..." Hayley nodded and Nat left the room, closing the door right behind her.

Once she was inside the room, she sighed and flopped down on her bed, placing her book on the nightstand and looking up at the ceiling. It had been a week and half since Elena had turned her humanity off and burnt their family house with Jeremy inside it. Nat had taken a few days off from school, not wanting to see anyone or have people tell her they're sorry, as if they really cared about her.

She hadn't really talked to anyone that wasn't Klaus and Rebekah, the latter one visiting her the day before. She had been actively avoiding the Salvatores, Elena and the whole gang, so she hadn't really interacted or seen no humanity Elena, to her relief. Seeing someone that used to be so full of light, now dead inside, didn't really sit well with Nat.

Besides, she was still trying to handle her grief as best as she could. Of course that didn't mean that it was healthy. Her strategy so far, was to try to forget about it, block it out. At first, the tears wouldn't stop, memories of Kol and Jeremy running through her mind all day and all night. But after the third consecutive day of crying, Nat decided to pull herself together. She had tried to distract herself with books, Klaus' library having no shortage of them. She had also been watching the hybrid paint and trying to learn from him. Of course she wasn't as good as him, but she wasn't that bad either. For a beginner at least.

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