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"Why are we stopping?" Rebekah asked indignantly from the passenger seat as Elena parked the car. Nat rolled her eyes and the three of them got out of the stolen car.

"We've searched three cities in the last 24 hours, I'm sick of Top 40 radio and I smell like leather." Elena said dryly as she walked to the sidewalk, Rebekah and Nat staring at her.

"And that's my fault? You are the one who stole the list of Katherine's possible whereabouts, did you ever think that Damon had bad information?" Rebekah snapped at her. Elena sighed and looked around the little town.

"Have I mentioned I can't stand the sound of your voice?"

"Too bad. We're not done. Get in, next town." Rebekah said loudly as Elena's eyes trailed to a girl walking to her car.

"In a minute. I'm hungry."

"We're not here for a pub crawl, Elena!" Rebekah exclaimed. "I want the cure, Katherine has it. We don't stop until we find her." Nat pinched the bridge of her nose in frustration at their bickering, suddenly regretting coming on to this trip with them. Elena turned back to face Rebekah and glared at her.

"I said in a minute." She rushed towards the girl on the car and Nat and Rebekah reluctantly followed her. The girl looked to her side and jumped a little at the sight of Elena so close to her.

"Oh my God. You startled me." She laughed nervously.

"Did I?" Elena said in a fake sweet tone before veins crawled under her eyes and she opened her mouth, going for the girl's neck.

"Katherine, what are you doing?"

Nat tilted her head to the side and her eyes widened a little, Rebekah's eyebrows raising in surprise at the girl's words. Elena stopped and pulled back, looking at the human in shock.

"You know me?"

"Of course. And I know most people around here prefer you to feed from the neck, but I asked you to drink from my wrist, remember?" The girl pulled back her sleeve to reveal two puncture marks on it.

"The conniving little bitch compelled the whole town." Rebekah realized with a laugh, Nat shaking her head at Katherine's little stunt.

"I think we just found Katherine." Elena told the two girls with a smug smile before turning to the human. "What's my full name?"

"Katherine Pierce." She answered and her eyes trailed to Elena's hair. "I love the new 'do, by the way."

"So how do you know Katherine?" Nat asked her curiously and the girl looked at her, her face suddenly showing confusion.

"How do I know who?"

"Me." The girl turned to Elena and her face showed recognition now. "How do you know me?"

"Small town, everybody know everybody." She replied as if it was obvious.

"So everyone here knows Katherine?" Rebekah asked her and the girl looked at the Original confused again.

"I'm sorry, I don't know who you're talking about."

"She compelled people to forget all about her unless she's talking to them herself." Rebekah told Nat laughing. "Clever girl."

"How long have we known each other?" Elena questioned the girl and she shrugged.

"It's- been a while. I can't remember."

"Where do I live? Where do I work?"

"I don't know."

"Who do I spend time with? Do I have any friends?" Elena asked the girl and she shook her head.

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