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Isobel is at the door looking at Elena and Nat. Jenna of course is stunned, after all, she thought Isobel was dead.

"Hello Elena, Natalia." She smiles, but there's no emotion in her eyes. "It's nice to see you again." Jenna looks at the twins shocked.

"Again?" She whispers, clearly feeling betrayed by them. Neither Elena nor Nat know what to say, instead looking at their aunt guiltily.

"So you're the woman who's dating my husband." Isobel tells Jenna. "I need to speak to Elena and Natalia. May I come in?" She asks, Nat and Elena widening her eyes at her words.

"N-n-no! Don't... don't invite her in." Elena says rushing to the door.

"I need to talk to you. To the both of you." Their mother says.

"No!" Elena exclaims angrily before slamming the door in Isobel's face. Nat walks towards Jenna and sees her crying.

"You knew she was still alive? Ric? John? Did they know?" They could see how much this hurt her.

"We can explain everything Jenna." Nat reassured her.

"No." Nat and Elena were now crying too, knowing Jenna wouldn't forgive them so easily.

"No. Jenna, please." Elena says, but Jenna runs upstairs. The twins follow her, trying to get her to listen to them. "Jenna, please. Wait. Jenna, please wait." Before they could get to her, their aunt enters her bedroom and slams the door.

"Jenna, you have to talk to us. We... we need to explain what's going on. Jenna, please." Nat says, desperation filling her voice. But she doesn't answer. They stay outside her door for almost an hour, and after getting no answer each of them goes to their respective bedrooms. She was about to enter her room when she remembered her tea was still downstairs. She quickly went to the kitchen and drank it. She didn't want another dream, not with Jenna like this. Nat went to her bedroom and got under the covers. She closed her eyes, sleep coming to her quickly, the last thought on her mind being that she hoped tomorrow would be better than today.

 She closed her eyes, sleep coming to her quickly, the last thought on her mind being that she hoped tomorrow would be better than today

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Elena opens the front door and Alaric comes in. He looks around and waves at Nat.

"Hey. Is she up yet?" He asked, referring to Jenna.

"She won't come out of her room." Nat told him.

"What'd you tell her?" He asked looking between both girls.

"Nothing. She won't talk to us." Elena says sadly.

"We're gonna have to fix this, guys." Before they could talk some more, Jenna comes down the stairs.

"Hey." Elena tries to talk to her.

"Jenna." Ric addresses her.

"I don't want you here, Ric. You need to go." She glowers at him.

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