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"To what do I owe the pleasure of your call, dear Nat?" Kol's voice came through her phone and she smiled as she leaned on her locker. Elena and her had gotten early to school so she could feed on Matt. While she was off with him at the Stoner Pit, Nat went to her locker. When she noticed that the hallways were almost empty, she decided to call Kol.

"Well, I wanted to check up on you, see how you were doing."

"I should be the one asking you that. Bex told me about you and Nik." Nat sighed and looked around. "Can't say I would have reacted differently, Nat. You did stop his heart."

"All of you are conveniently forgetting that he was about to kill my sister." She retorted. "All of you, except..." She trailed off.

"Elijah, of course. Noble till the end." He mocked and Nat felt a smile making its way onto her lips.

"At least that's what he wants people to believe." She replied and he laughed. "But how are you?"

"I'm having the time of my life."

"I'm glad."

"When are you letting me take you around the world to teach you magic?" He asked and she tilted her head.

"Well, I'll be done with school in a few months and I'll be free, so... how about next summer?"

"I like the spirit, darling." He told her. "Now, I know there's something else on your mind. What is it?" Nat looked to the side and saw that there were two guys on the farthest corner talking amongst themselves.

"Okay so I've been practicing magic with Bekah for some days now, and one of the first times I did, something happened." She paused for a moment and looked around to check that no one got close to her. "I siphoned magic from her and I did a spell, but when I tried to stop I couldn't, it's like something took hold of me." She said quietly.

"Let me guess, you felt like you needed more?" Kol asked and Nat bit her lower lip.

"Yeah, I don't know what came over me."

"Were you doing offensive spells?"

"Yeah..." She said sheepishly.

"There's the problem."

"So, what, I can't do that type of magic anymore? How will I defend myself then?" She asked frowning.

"You can definitely do that type of magic, but you've got to take it easy. You just tapped into your powers a few weeks ago, if you siphon all that power and try strong spells, it's bound to happen."

"So what do I do?"

"Practice." He told her. "You need to do offensive spells, but start small. Once you get a hang of it, you can do stronger ones. In no time you will be fine to do any spell."

"That's it?"

"Pretty much. You will start getting stronger and soon you won't have to worry about it anymore." She sighed in relief and smiled. She spotted Elena walking over to her and waved at her.

"Thanks, Kol." She said as she walked over to her sister.

"No problem, Nat. If you need anything else, just call."

"Will do. Bye." She hung up the phone and looked at Stefan who walked up behind Elena. She smiled at them and entered the class. They took their seats and stared at the board.

Wow. That's all she could think. This was the first time they were back in Ric's classroom since he had died a few weeks ago. Nat's lips parted as she noticed his handwritten notes still in the chalkboard and swallowed the lump in her throat.

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